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  1. Hey guys, ordered a sofa from CSL in May this year (3 seater, 2 seater and footstool), had to wait 12 weeks as we wanted a different colour from the show room model. Arrived early August, but after a few weeks we noticed the leather on one of the 3 seater seats was 'stretched'. I rang CSL who sent a technician out a few days ago who checked the padding which was fine, and was told that all leather is different and that this particular area had stretched and that there was nothing that could be done to rectify it. Safe to say, it doesn't look very nice. After only having the sofa for a few months for it to do this I and my partner are not very happy, especially when the sofa cost over £2000! What will it be like in a year or two? Are we in our rights to ask for an exchange? I've tried looking around but not found much information that's useful. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Kieron
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