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Found 2 results

  1. I visit many residents in a residential home for the elderly folk. The residence is " advertised as Sheltered accomodation and Retirment homes for the elderly" However the residents have now aquired a new person who is 59 and is working full time. He goes out to work at 5 30 am in the morning and is bacjkaround 9 30pm. His works van is parked directly outside some of the residents flat windows and is restricting their views of peacful gardens. Many residents cannot go outside and this is all they have to look at. Also many residents a woken at 5 30 in the morning by the slamming of car doors when he puts his tools in. Some residents have gone to the extrem by drawing their curtains as they do not want to look at the advertising on this van and they cannot see any thing else but this van. Question One ) the works van is being parked on a private entrance to the home. Can he do this? Question 2) Surley as ths is a residential home for the retired he should not have been allowed to live here. (He is not retired and certainly does no need sheltered accomodation) If anyone con help with the legal side of this problem and you are able to help these elderly folk with this promblem you would be advise a s a p as they are in dispare. Many thanks
  2. A query, if I may. I live in a fairly rural village in a Housing Association property. Chatting with them today, the subject of moving was slipped into the conversation. Under my radar! (I love my home and don't want to move). We were discussing the impact of the incoming Housing Benefit changes. I live alone in a 2 bedroom property and am set to be penalised for this. It is a bit of a worry as I wouldn't be able to afford the shortfall in HB. 'You do know' they said 'you're eligible for sheltered housing?' This, as they say, came a bit out of left field. I'd always assumed it was for the elderly (I'm not) or the very disabled (I don't see myself that way). Whilst moving isn't something I want to consider, I probably should give it some attention. I know my family would like me to move into town so they can be there for me and help me when I need it. And winters here can be unusually harsh as I'm in an exposed area, and I'm highly heat dependant. I'm just pondering whether a move to sheltered accommodation would assist in my claim for DLA? These things are getting harder to apply for and, I suppose, it would be some further evidence that someone thinks I need a little more care than I currently have. I appreciate it may be an odd thought but it's just another factor in the process of having to make a decision on something I don't really want to happen but probably should. If that makes sense ...
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