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  1. I am at my wits end with Hastings Direct. My 20 year old daughter was insured for her car with them. In December 2014 her insurance was up for renewal and I found a better cover with Endsleigh. I tried to contact Hastings on the numerous numbers without success but I was aware that the auto renewal would not take place because I had recently had a replacement debit card. The payment was not made and the first letter arrived saying to contact them with new payment detail. I eventually rang them with my daughter and told them that we did not want the insurance. As it had never been paid you would have thought this would be the end of the matter but she is now being harassed by Hasting Direct for a cancellation fee and some form of insurance period fee. They are demanding a £45 cancellation fee and a further £17.07. This is also supported with threats of referral to debt collection agency and an adverse effect on her credit rating. They have in fact tried to take this from my personal bank account! They failed yet again because they don't have the correct card detail. How do I get this very unprofessional company to desist from the totally unwarranted bullying and harassment of my daughter. The poor girl has been in tears thinking she has done something wrong! HASTING DIRECT.....THE INSURANCE WAS NOT RENEWED. THEREFORE HOW CAN YOU MAKE UNWARRANTED CLAIMS THAT IT WAS CANCELLED. YOU CANNOT CANCEL WHAT HAS NEVER BEEN PAID FOR. I have made a formal complaint to Hastings Direct which has been acknowledged. This morning I get a further letter entitled 'Outstanding Debt' FINAL WARNING. Utterly, utterly dreadful. Deaf and dumb. Do not have anything to do with this company if you value your sanity.
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