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Found 2 results

  1. Hi all, I have had many issues with MBNA, but most have been resolved in my favour. However this one is proving a little more difficult to deal with. I had an MBNA credit card from 1999 to 2003 all was ok until I was signed of sick, I continued to pay MBNA while i was off sick for the first year as i get paid for this and then I tried to activate the PPI that they sold me. I was told that because they didn't see clinical depression as a reason they would not activate the PPI (I have successfully claimed the PPI back). My problem is after I informed them of the financial hardship (ie not getting paid anymore other than SSP) they then added £2800ish in charges and fees which wouldn't have occurred had they not of missold me PPI (they have admitted this already). They would not freeze interest or charges and added all this interest and charges in the 6 months before they sent it to debt collection agents. (I have all the charges and already obtained a SAR and sent the charges sheet into them with the first letter). I lodged a formal complaint with them as soon as they upheld my PPI claim and they have responded stating they will not repay charges as they have no record of me trying to activate the PPI. they upheld my PPI claim on the basis that due to them not activating it for newly diagnosed clinical depression i had been missold it. Can someone give me some advice, on where to go next. How can MBNA state they never had a record of me trying to activate the PPI when they paid a misselling PPI claim solely on this basis. Do i have a good chance of reclaiming the penalty fees they issued after I tried to activate their missold PPI? (please note that this has been fully paid now including all charges and interest) I am happy to issue through court if this is the route to go. Thanks in advance L
  2. Hi We used to have a mortgage with Mortgages PLC. They added lots of charges over the years, so awhile ago I sent a SAR and realised there was substantial charges i could possible reclaim, maybe between £500-£1200. I sent a letter asking, they said no and that I had six months from the letter to take it further. Due to various reasons I didn't carry on at that time. Now maybe 18 months later I would like to know if it is possible to try again or does that letter mean I have lost my chance. Does the 12 years still apply to reclaim charges too? Because I am probably looking at fees from around 2004-2007. Thanks
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