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Found 2 results

  1. Several months ago I received a court summons for Joe Smith, my name is Yux Smith — apart from the name, everything else is correct. I wrongfully ignored this summons and have since moved from this address. Could I face any repercussions for acting this way?
  2. CASE SUMMARY ************* CHARGE: Enter a compulsory ticket area without having a valid ticket. LAW: London Underground wants to prosecute under Byelaw 17(1) of TfL Railway Byelaws. DEFENDANT: She pleaded Not Guilty. She told me that she pleaded not guilty because immediately she observed the pass did not show balance on the validator she never proceeded but turned back to seek help from the uniformed train staff to ask the staff why it has not displayed balance as she top up only two days earlier. She said she did that as she does not want the stress that she might have to pay maximum fare touching out at the exit station if perhaps that it has not validated. At this stage of her asking the staff not knowing the person beside the staff was a London Underground Inspector who requested from the uniformed staff to see the pass and found that it was not her pass but that of her husband. Railway Station: Barking Station REQUEST FROM FORUMERS *********************** The Defendant believes that the Inspector was prejudiced because of her nationality otherwise would have accepted that she never proceeded rather wanted to know why the validator did not appear to read or showed the balance. According to her, London Underground prosecution appeared to be a big bully who has refused to see things with a human face. She is totally depressed and cannot sleep because of what she called honest mistake and sacred to speak for herself before the court. 1. What are the possible defense for the sort of charge made against her before a magistrate? 2. Do any one here know of any well regarded Counsel (Barrister) that would not charge so much to be recommended? 3. Can London Underground prosecute in Barking Station considering the station is owned by Network Rail? 4. Can she make her submission entirely on papers and ask the court to deal with it on the papers? 5. Any further ideas? Thank you in lieu of your ideas and contributions.
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