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  1. Hello! I've got into a slight dispute with Urban Outfitters, as I've asked for my delivery cost to be refunded as I returned the whole order and was therefore entitled to it I ordered a t-shirt on 19/11/18 it cost £3.99 for delivery I returned in a branch on the high st on 04/12/18 and was automatically sent a refund email for the t-shirt So I wrote to customer services asking for my delivery back as per the Consumer Contracts Regulations They refused to refund it and when I re-sent my email back they've now responded/ asked: Hi Shelly, Thanks for your reply. Can you please advise if you submitted a cancellation form to cancel your contract with us with in 14 days of delivery? Thanks, Karlie UO Customer Services And the answer to that is 'no' This is the 1st time I've been challenged when asking for delivery costs back, usually ASOS just does it without question. And Silver by Mail apologised and refunded when I asked only earlier this month So my query is - (as I cannot find the answer elsewhere). Is this grounds for refusal to refund as I didn't submit my intention to return? Have they got me here? Thanks
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