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  1. Hi. I'm totally sick to death of this, and wanted to know where I stand. I'm sure a few of you will have been in the same situation at one time or another. I recently bought an Xbox controller from Argos. It was the Elite, which costs £120, a lot of money for a controller. Less than 4 months later it's broken. I contacted Argos and all they'll do is give me Microsoft's number. Microsoft want me to post it to them at my expense, this is unacceptable for a number of reasons. Firstly, I paid for a working product, I don't want to shell out any more. Secondly, I don't want to be without a controller for several days or even weeks. Lastly, it should not my responsibility to do any chasing around, I just want to return it to the store and get a replacement. Where do I stand with this? This isn't the first time a store has fobbed me off with this and I'm sick of it. Posting my broken electronics to some obscure industrial estate in Europe is just unacceptable, are these stores breaking the law? I'm tempted to just issue a court claim right away, but I know I have to give them a chance to fix it. So I've sent a strongly worded email notifying them that I want it fixed, and that I will pursue it through MCOL if necessary. Hopefully it won't come to that. I don't always go nuclear, but like I said this has happened so many times. These large chain stores sell you a product then just wash their hands of it. "Broken is it sir? Past 30 days, not our problem, you'll need to call this number..." etc. I'm sick of it! Thoughts and advice?
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