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  1. Hi all! in need of some help bit worried and dont know how to tackle this situation, here are the details below: there was a a very small iceland store that closed down on a side road where they must of had around 7-10 parking bays, this is still closed down and no business is running there. i parked there for literally 5 minutes as i come back i got a PCN from parking and property management, there was a sign on the wall, i just thought 5 minutes as i was looking for a shop wouldnt be a problem! Date and time: 21/02/2017 at 12.38 received a few notice to keepers then a letter before claim i have ignored all of this! from gladstones. and unfortunately they are thrown away as i thought ignoring them would be fine. on the PCN it says issue reason 1: unauthorised parking the vehicle was parked on private property in a manner where the driver agreed to pay a parking charge displayed on the signage at the site. If this makes any difference please do let me know the name of the road one of the letters is mispeld on all of the letters received even on the claim form example being: turner avenue > tarner avenue claim form states: the driver of the vehicle registration xxxxxxx incurred the parking charge on 21/02/2017 for breaching the terms of parking on the land at iceland, xxxxxx the defendant was driving the vehicle and/or is the keeper of the vehicle and the claimant claims £160 for parking charges/damages and indemnity costs if applicable, together with interest of £2.49 pursuant at s69 of the county courts act 1984 at 8% pa, continuing to judgement at £0.04 per day. then accoss the page is says amount claimed: £162.49 court fee £25.00 legal rep costs £50.00 total amount: 237.49 please help and advise as i dont know what to do! Thank you!!!
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