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Found 3 results

  1. Good evening, I have just been made aware of the case of a lady with some mental health problems and a mild learning disability and this company. This lovely lady has been given a flat by a housing association on a one year temporary contract initially to see if she can cope with independent living. She has brought three items of white goods from this company, each documented separately with a greatly inflated (from high street ) cash price and an interest rate of 38%! Each document lists her income, including DLA, but has no record of outgoings. My questions are as follows; 1. should the agent have disregarded the DLA of her benefits, I understand that normally these amounts are protected. 2, should the company have queried her lack of outgoings? 3. I suspect that this lady may be moved to managed/supported living soon, she is not coping very well, In which case these three unused appliances will be not required. I am looking for a decent resolution for this lady and your help would be greatly appreciated Many thanks Matt
  2. Hi, All I need some urgent help with a company called Loansathome4U. I took out a loan and repaid some of it and got into financial problems with my other priorty bills ie council tax, rent, water etc. They are ringing me each day and knocking on my door every other day and I have told them I do not have the money and I am trying to go through a debt mananement to try and pay a token payment, but I can even afford that. They will not accept my offer of a £1 per month intill I get myself sorted. I have had enough of this everyday and sent them a letter I think I found on here stating I do not want a meeting with them and if they continue to knock on my door I will ring the police for trespassing. I just had a phone call saying the letter is not valid and they will continue to knock on my door. What can I do this is very stressful and they will not accept my token payment and I have many other creditors that are willing to accept it. Thanks in advance
  3. Hi, I have loans with Greenwoods with aprox £900 outstanding, and loans with Loans-At-Home-4U, another doorstep loan company, with aprox £1200 outstanding. I suffer from mental illnesses and am in the support group of ESA and recieve DLA - middle rate care and low rate mobility. I currently pay £60 a fortnight to Greenwoods and £130 a fortnight to Loans-At-Home-4U, these are paid alternative weeks so every week one of them gets paid. I now find myself in a position where i had been neglecting my priorty debts, the only way i could afford the loan repayments, and these have caught up with me. So i've now made arrangements to pay these back, but can't afford the loan repayements now. I have been struggling to find food for the table, and every week have been selling stuff just to keep up with the repayements. But now i've had enough and for the 1st time, after a constant change in my medication, feel stable and sort of strong enough to try and lower these repayments. I have checked all the agreements and from all the research i've done, they are in order. I want to make the 1st step in lowering the repayments and have filled in a financial statement, though am confused as i've read DLA payments should not be included as they are soley for my disability aids, but the DLA income was taken in to account when i took out the loans. Should i include the DLA figures in my statements? Should i present a financial statement at all? To be honest i'm looking at the figures and all i can afford (now that i'm paying priority debts, etc) is £5 a week for each of the 2 companies...but i don't see them accepting this, and not sure if i can cope with confrontations, etc as the last thing i want to do is see my health deteriote after taking 3 years or so to finally get it stable. This is one hell of a mess and plea with anyone for any assistance in how to deal with these 2 companies and get my repayments down. Any advice is much appreciated. Forgot to add that Greenwoods is collected on my doorstep, whilst loansathome4u is taken from my debit card.
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