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Found 2 results

  1. Good evening, I have just been made aware of the case of a lady with some mental health problems and a mild learning disability and this company. This lovely lady has been given a flat by a housing association on a one year temporary contract initially to see if she can cope with independent living. She has brought three items of white goods from this company, each documented separately with a greatly inflated (from high street ) cash price and an interest rate of 38%! Each document lists her income, including DLA, but has no record of outgoings. My questions are as follows; 1. should the agent have disregarded the DLA of her benefits, I understand that normally these amounts are protected. 2, should the company have queried her lack of outgoings? 3. I suspect that this lady may be moved to managed/supported living soon, she is not coping very well, In which case these three unused appliances will be not required. I am looking for a decent resolution for this lady and your help would be greatly appreciated Many thanks Matt
  2. Hi, some help please. This is about more banks and lenders than Barclays. I could not find an exact forum for it that allowed posting. My sister-in-law was debt free after her husband died 3 years ago. She had little cash reserve and a part time job. Badly mentally affected by his death and the previous years causing his death, she lived by taking out, as each one drew near its limit, SEVEN successive credit cards. None of them put any control on her spending despite her small income. In total she spent over £40,000. Now they are all threatening action. None of them checked her maxed out limit with other card providers although it would be clearly stated on records. I know that a charge of reckless lending has been successfully used, but, I do not know any specific precedents. Does any one know an case that could be quoted ??? I am getting her to use CCCS Consumer Credit Counselling Service - StepChange as they are now - but it takes time to get her to be able to deal with anything. She is really not very well. Hopefully someone knows the info I need to respond back to the card lenders while other processes get into action.
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