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Found 1 result

  1. I brought the 49ks7000 on Black Friday for when i move house (still not moved yet) & have kept it boxed up till recently to check if it worked. At the weekend i hooked my computer up to the TV and noticed a small white dot (a few pixels in size) on the screen when the computer boots up and displays a black background. I just assumed it was a bit of fluff or something on there, last night i noticed it again on boot up and had a closer look and It seems to be a tiny chip less than a millimeter. As long as I've had it nothing has impacted on the TV at all or anything at all to cause this, it has to be on the TV in the first hand or been a defect. I'm just annoyed a didn't spot it sooner! I'm wondering if i have a leg to stand on in getting it replaced/repaired by currys under warranty and if not what i can do (if anything). I still have all the box packaging and all the plastic protecting is still on the TV apart from the screen. Thanks for any help!!
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