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Found 3 results

  1. The snoopers charter which ALREADY allows the most extensive spying on its own citizens outside of China or North Korea (and possible actually worse given the higher levels of connectivity here) is intended to be increased by the Tories. Much of the justification is these 1 man in a van attacks which horrendous as they are, are no more than occurs on a daily basis in most major cities by alcohol or mentally ill people. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/19/technology/britain-encryption-privacy-hate-speech.html?ribbon-ad-idx=15&rref=world/europe Given that the existing snooping powers in the UK "Recent legislation already gives Britain’s law enforcement officials some of the world’s strongest powers to read and monitor online chatter" have done NOTHING to stop these man in a van or man with a knife attacks, DESPITE a number of them being on international watch listsm it beggars the question of How would increasing these powers actually make a difference given that even the attacks by KNOWN Islamist extremists on UK and international watch lists were not affected in any way ? How is policing and monitoring of those spying on UK citizens going to be carries out and reported and properly policed - including reporting to the public what is occurring or has occurred? http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2016/25/contents/enacted Worth noting: In the US spying on the nations OWN citizens is treated differently to foreign nationals. Do we really want the UK to be the envy of North Korea - for all the wrong reasons?
  2. Playing portugal. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/football-fans-north-korea-told-3849292
  3. Hi everyone, I've been avoiding my debt problem for a while now. When I left England I had a mortgage and a loan and when my tenant left the mortgaged property I became in arrears and couldn't afford to pay back - things just spiraled.... I have a few questions: 1) I wanted to go bankrupt but I have been out the country for 3 years a few months. I have heard this is impossible abroad now. Is this the case? I did go back to the UK for a holiday and it hasn't been three years since I stopped paying my debts. 2) If I do a credit search will debt agencies be able to track me down? I am currently in South Korea and haven't done an Experian search or anything for fear of being chased but at least if I knew how much I owed I could deal with things. 3) I have heard mortgage debts are secured and won't disappear for 12 years. Is this the case? It's taken me ages to approach these issues and I really want to find a solution now as I'd like to go back to the UK. I feel stupid for taking so long and going over the three years but any advice would be much appreciated.
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