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  1. Dear all, I had two credit cards with Lloyds which I settled in 2010. The debts were at my previous address (when I was with my partner) and that address is linked to where I am now. I have been away from the previous address since 2007. I settled the debts in 2010 but continually get refused credit because of the link. Although I settled the debts (and have statements to prove this), the Equifax records show settled in 2012. I spoke to Lloyds and they told me that the accounts were still open until 2012 although I remonstrated that I asked them to be closed once settled in 2010. I suggested that they correct Equifax to reflect the true settlement date and they refused. I wrote to the CEO and his office upheld the refusal. The trouble is that Equifax shows the "arrangement to pay" marker on both debts until 2010 and then green boxes until 2012 when they eventually closed the account. Lenders are knocking me back because of the adverse information. Lloyds never did default me for these, otherwise they would have dropped off after the six years. Sorry for the war and peace.... Questions: 1. Have I got to wait until 2018 before these records drop off? 2. Can I get the linked address removed at all and when? Thank you, Jim
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