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  1. hi all, just some quick advice needed if poss, got a pcn before xmas code 01 parking in a CPZ during prescribed hours, I was parked on a single yellow no kerb markings, and no sign on the yellow lines stating prescribed times, was picking up my elderly father who was further down the road I had to have a quick search for him as he was carrying stuff, , (was parked for about 10 mins in all) the place I parked was a bus lane but it was out of the bus lane hours, 4pm till 7 pm I was parked in the red circled area, fig 1 The enforcement officer observed me from 19:30 to 19:30 hours (not even a minute) I carried out an informal appeal after looking on the council website and the rules and found this statement, saying I had to have a little search for my father, fig 2 It came back rejected saying that “a vehicle is not allowed to park on a yellow line when restrictions are in force other than for the purpose of loading or unloading as permitted by legislation, or for allowing passengers to board or alight, in which case the driver should not leave the vehicle, notes made by the civil enforcement officer show that there were no suggestion of either of these actions taking place at the time of the contravention, (bearing in mind the ticket says I was observed from 19:30 to 19:30 not even a minute), your vehicle was parked in contravention of a waiting restriction,, the restrictions were clearly shown in accordance with traffic management act 2004 legislation, They also included this picture of a sign that belongs to the yellow line further down the road to the left, beyond the crossing in the picture, fig 3 placement of the sign is neither here nor there as some half a mile down the road is the main CPZ sign with the prescribed hours, 8am – 8pm mon sat, which means the little yellow line automatically falls within the main cpz hours from what I have discovered, Now I went and looked at this sign which Is placed beyond a bus stop in the middle of the pavement, around half a mile from where my ticket was issued as you can just see it poking out, I’m usually pretty good at reading signs and obeying the rules (or so i thought ) fig 4 now this sign is obscured by the bus stop and if you get behind a bus its blocked totally, add it being dark is not a good mix rest of pics So the question is, do I go to the next appeal with this or do I just stump up the £65 in case I lose the next one and its £130, they call the first one that was rejected an informal appeal, now because I didn’t state all this about the main cpz sign and the other sign does that mean they will look badly at it ?? informal makes you think its summit cosy when in fact it’s a propa bone fide appeal, havering.pdf
  2. Hi everyone, Thanks in advance for any help or advice you can give. My parents (both OAPs) have just received a PCN out of the blue for supposedly taking an illegal right turn on a town centre road. There are actually zero right turns on the street in question, so the only thing that could have happened (although they cannot remember it) is that they made a u-turn using a supermarket loading bay situated on the right of the road. There is a photograph enclosed that only shows the car driving down the street, (it could be on any street, in any town, judging by the photo!), so naturally we went online to check the supporting video footage that this photograph was supposedly from, only to find that the photo is the only evidence included on the page. The main question here is what should they do now? It is impossible to speak with a human on the telephone, but they do not want to pay a fine without seeing the video of the incident actually happening. Is there a particular contact they should make to request the footage or should they challenge the PCN? Obviously, they worry that if they take too long or challenge and fail, the fine will double. Thanks guys!
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