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Found 2 results

  1. Hi Everyone, I do hope I canget some help, I have red many posts and the work you guys do here is great. On 18th August I got stopped by a Revenue Protection Officer. I always buy a weekly Zone 1-4 travel card which is fine as I live in zone 4 sometimes when I sleep at my girlfriend’s house (who lives in zone 5) I do not beep in at that station but beep in at Finsbury Park. The ‘officer’ saw me beep in at Finsbury park and took my oyster card and I gave my details... .. and said I’ll receive a letter, he explained that they just want their money back I was surprised and scared that this letter arrived stating their intention to take me to court, this will ruin my career opportunities and I did not realise the severity of my actions. – I will never do this again but I do not know how to reply, I want to settle this out of court. On the letter the details of the 9 offences each are: • having paid the fare for a certain distance, knowingly and wilfully proceeding by train beyond that distance without previously paying the additional fare for the additional distance and with intent to avoid payment thereof or do I ask for their evidence? Does this mean they can prove 9 times I didn’t pay for the extra zone charge? I just want to settle this out of court I know it will cost but I will pay whatever it is even though i am an apprentice on minimum wage. Please someone help me. I need to reply to the letter by next week Kind regards and many thanks in advance.
  2. I am worried sick about a problem entirely of my own making. I arrived late at a train station and instead of buying a ticket and waiting half an hour for the next train I got on the train coming in without a ticket. I was found without a ticket and my details were taken down. Now I have an intention to prosecute letter. I am terrified of the consequences of my foolish, impatient actions. I realise prison is probably unlikely but I now know I could end up with a criminal record if I am prosecuted in court. The 'charge' stated in the letter is 'failing to hand over a rail ticket for inspection' which seems to fit two pieces of legislation. The letter asks me to write back within 21 days with my version of events but I have spoken to three solicitors who say not to, as this will incriminate me. Another said to write and that I didn't need a solicitor unless I got a summons. I don't know what to do: to write and explain, underlining how sorry I am and how I would like to resolve matters out of court if possible, or whether I should let a solicitor try to liaise on my behalf. I am worried that not replying myself as specified in the letter will mean Govia look unfavourably on me. However, I can't write to tell what happened without incriminating myself. I work for the NHS and am terrified that my hard won career will be over in a flash because of my rash actions. I would be very grateful for any advice you can give.
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