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  1. Hi I went Bankrupt in June 2010 included in this bankruptcy was my Uncle Buck Payday Loan. Uncle Buck were informed of this and were sent a copy of my Bankruptcy Order. However after a year or so i was continually harrassed by Uncle Buck demanding payment etc. I emailed them and told them of my Bankruptcy gave them my Bankruptcy number and sent another Bankruptcy order to them. All emails from them stopped until early February when i went to visit my parents i opened a letter addressed to me from Motor Mile Finance saying that Uncle Buck had sold my debt to them and i wass to make a payment immediately, they have also sent me quitre a few emails to my old email account which i have just found threatening to send doorstop collectors. I immediatley phoned them and informed them that i had been made Bankrupt and the Uncle Buck were informed of this on numerous occasions, the lady asked me to provide the bankruptcy Ref, which i did. She then said she will look it up and if i didn't hear anuything within 24 hours then it would mean its all sorted. About 2 weeks later i recieved a phone call from my mum saying that she had opened a letter by accident that was addressed to me and it was from Motor Mile Finance stating that they were going to send out Door Stop Collection Agents unless immediate payment of my debt was made. I phoned them immediately and said i had told them that i was banrupt etc. She then informed me i was not on the register and would have to provide proof that i was made bankrupt, i have now provided this via email attachment and still they are sending me emails. I though that when you were made bankrupt that the companies could not contact or harrass you, and i would have thought that they would not be able to sell the debt on either. Is there anything else i can do to stop them contacting me and sending letters to my parents? Any advice greatly appreciated. Sarah
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