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Found 2 results

  1. At this time of year, you always get debates on the various Religions and their role in the world Personally, although i attended Church of England schools with prayers at assemblies and the school choir at a local church, i am not a practicing Christian. I attend Funerals, Weddings and am interested in religion, but i don't attend a church on a regular basis. I find that in other countries they take religion far more seriously. In Spanish Towns when the church bells ring, the town closes down almost, with people heading to the church. They do this during weekly prayers, religious festivals and funerals. In Australia, i have seen traffic jams, as people make their way to church. Australia takes their Christian faith much more seriously than the UK. I think it is the same in America. Is Religion important to you ? Do you attend church on a regular basis ? Does your local church play an important role in the local community ? Is the UK really still a Christian country ?
  2. A few years back I had a serious Road Traffic Accident. Unable to work since. I'm 57, and now have severe osteoarthritis in my lower back, legs, etc., a right arm which has severe limitations, and a mental condition causing a lot of stress. After a recent move to another area, I visited my new Doctor, as the condition of my back seems to be getting worse, needing more and more pain relief. I asked for another scan on my back, as a previous scan showed bulging of the lumber discs. I wanted to know if this bulging was getting worse What he said to me next came as a surprise. He asked me what I expect it to reveal, and what difference it would make in knowing, he went on to say spending £250 on a scan would be a waste of money, money better spent on people with cataracts or similar. I was shocked at this and came away feeling the doctors have given up on me.
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