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Found 3 results

  1. Hi All, just wanted your opinions on this please. A local takeaway owner applied to the Local Authority for a commercial waste bin. Eventually he got one but it took a month to get it. In the meantime, two other shops allowed him to put his rubbish in their commercial bins until his was delivered. Soon after getting his bin, he was contacted by the Local Authority in which they accused him of fly-tipping as one black bag of his rubbish had been found on a local nature reserve with details of his shop inside. He says that he cannot understand how only one bag was put there as when he used the other shops bins he always put 10 to 15 bags in the bins and the other shops are very close to him whereas the nature reserve is about 5 miles away? I would like to know if he is legally entitled to use the other shops bins thereby quelling any fears of prosecution for fly-tipping? The other two shop owners are quite happy to say they allowed him to use their bins Until he got his own but only if there is no threat of prosecution to them. Any ideas? Thanks all.
  2. Hello, need in help in understanding what a mortgage contract is. When I applied for a mortgage. 1. I signed the mortgage application form 2. I signed a mortgage deed 3. I signed the mortgage offer acceptance ( there was also a printed signature of someone from the lender) 4. My solicitor signed the title deed ( not sure what a title deed is and why the solicitor would sign this and not me) Are all these documents a mortgage contract. In a contract law I remember from school there has to be an offer, acceptance and consideration - is this the same for a mortgage? Bit confused as to what is the mortgage contract is, is it all the above ? Why did the solicitor signed the Title Deed. Should I have signed the title deed. There is nothing on any of these to say this is the mortgage contract. I have also read that 8 out of 10 mortgages are securitised, bundled and then sold on, how can that be without my consent? and if so surely the lender would tell you this and notify of this when they did this ? or is this the norm? any help in answering the above greatly appreciated. Kind regards
  3. Hi my sister was shopping Asda recently. She had my 86 year old disabled Aunt with her so used one of the Asda wheelchairs. The footrest on one side was twisted and my sister was unable to get it straight. She asked the security guy, who was the size of a brick outhouse, if he could move it for. The guy went into meltdown. Waving his arms and screaming at her to get away from him, he had to watch the monitors. She said blimey OK mate and walked to customer services where she asked to speak to the manager. The security guy on hearing this, came running over to her shouting and waving his arms about, frightening the life out of my sister in the process. My sister is 50 years old and has been on heart medication since suffering a heart attack at the age of 44. Next thing the security guy grabbed the wheelchair with my terrified aunt in it and started pulling it and pushing it about like a mad man. It took two Asda female staff members to calm him down and get him away from them. Asda have replied with the worst apology you can imagine, effectively calling my sister a liar, although there were witnesses plus CCTV. If she wanted to pursue this, is there a case to answer here? Any advise greatly appreciated.Thanks
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