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Found 2 results

  1. Good Afternoon everyone, Having had a read of these forums I have seen how helpful you have been with offering advice to other people so decided to register and post my own situation to see if you can offer me any advice. I am currently a private tenant through a letting agent. I originally signed an Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement on the 1st October 2016, which was a 12 month agreement with a 6 Month break clause. This agreement was signed by both myself and my Girlfriend at the time, so this original tenancy has not yet ended. On the 12 June 2017 (3 and a half months before the tenancy end date) I was contacted by the letting agent to re sign a new agreement which would run from 1st October 2017 for a further 12 months, with a 6 month break clause, so this is still a month away from actually commencing. The tenancy is still in the names of both myself and my girlfriend at the time (with myself listed as the lead tenant). Since signing the tenancy agreement on the 12th June 2017 I have had a change in circumstances, in that myself and my girlfriend are no longer together (this happened in the last week). As such I am now in a rather dire situation where I face having to pay a minimum of another 7 months worth of rent (£1200 per month) which on my own I simply cannot afford to do, I don't earn enough on my own to cover the cost of this and council tax/other bills etc. I was wondering if anyone would be able to advise me where I stand legally with regards to now cancelling the tenancy agreement due to start on the 1st October 2017. From what I understand this is only possible with the landlords consent and I would be liable for any costs incurred to re let the property, however as I am the current tenant, at the end of the current agreement I only needed to give 30 days notice, so would this apply? I wanted to know what (if anything) I can do to cancel the AST from the 1st October. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Jamie
  2. Looking for advice on this tricky subject. Basically our 5 young people moved into a multi-occupancy house on 15th August, and I am one of 5 parent guarantors. There were several problems with the property when we arrived to take up occupancy on Sunday 24th. There were only 2 bunches of keys immediately available (not 5) and the front door locks are faulty needing work. One room was still being treated for damp and the work has not been completed The garden at the rear of the house was requiring a lot of work and was cluttered with dangerous obstacles. This still needs attention. One fence needs raising but in the meantime a dog has come through that fence and bitten one of the young people who went to A&E and reported incident to police. We have not been given an inventory and have not been given a valid gas or electricity certificate or a fire plan assessment. There is a smoke alarm downstairs only which appears broken with no evidence of having been tested. The landlord has made some efforts since the tenancy started - ordered new mattresses on request and had the house cleaned (albeit both things to a substandard). We have written to appeal that we be refunded the rent paid for 14th August to 1st September but the landlord has declined saying that the house met all statutory requirements. The landlord is prepared to continue the necessary repairs at his pace, which we are happy with, but the quality may be an issue. We have all photographic evidence and written correspondence throughout. We are lacking the necessary legal expertise to determine what rights we have in this situation and wondered if anyone out there might be able to advise or direct us. Cheers
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