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Found 1 result

  1. On 11/05/2018 at 12:36 I was amazed to spot a gap in the red and yellow lines on the hospital perimeter road close to the Willow Annexe which I was visiting for pre surgery assessment. Since I have very troublesome arthritic knees and ankles only having a 200 yd walk was like a gift from the gods. The gap in the lines was twice the size my car would need and I assumed that whoever had been parked there must have just moved. I parked up and went off to my appointment. When I came back, to my astonishment there was a ticket on the windscreen. I took some photos to prove I was not on red or yellow lines, got in the car, opened the plastic envelope and found that the accusation was, in fact, "Causing Obstruction". he perimeter road in that area is wide enough for two buses at least to pass each other, I wasn't obstructing the road, and I certainly wasn't obstructing the footpath. Any advice as to whether they can make this stick would be appreciated. I have not yet contacted Liberty Printers who issued the Parking Charge, which says £80 or £40 if paid within 14 days.
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