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Found 3 results

  1. Husband was made redundant in Dec 2012. He is now claiming IbJSA. I started my own business in July 2012, part time aprox 10 hours a week. when my Husband started claiming JSA, they asked how much I earned a week. I said £40...BUT now I have just realised I didn't take into account all my business expenses (was gunna get an accountant to work it out at end of year, as a rough guide its £1,900 a year for rates, laundry, insurance, cleaning, phone, stationary etc etc) To work out the £40 a week I worked out my takings and purchases of stock. So we've been loosing out on money - I asked them about this but they just said to fill out a B7 form each week now - which seems unfair and is of NO help! Also ive been trying to call them to tell them we are now claiming DLA (since January) for one of our children (we have 2) and also that I will be claiming CA, but job centre benefit delivery never answer the phone!! my Husband is now setting up his own business (given up looking for employment!) Job Centre have been no help what so ever!! Advise appreciated please
  2. hello, I'm hoping someone on here can give me some advice. It's quite complex. I and my husband have been in receipt of income-based JSA, having not paid enough class 1 contributions (partners in a partnership-based company for the previous 25 years). We are receiving MIP, although not yet had a letter to say how much this is being reduced by under the interest rate changes. I have been awarded DLA at higher rate mobility & middle rate care, due to long term chronic autoimmune diseases. Following advice from the JC+, some months ago I filled in a JSA 6 and have been handing in medical certificates to the JC+ office, and I am classified as exempt from attending to 'sign on'. I was advised by JC+ that this was the best course of action - apparently I could otherwise have moved us both onto income-based ESA, or split the joint JSA claim, or applied for contributions-only ESA and continued with the joint JSA claim. Everyone I spoke with at the DWP had a different opinion on what we could or couldn't do; the JSA 6 option seemed like the least disruptive. My husband has received a letter today confirming that he will be awarded Carer's Allowance. We already receive a carer's premium in the JSA payment, & we understand that the JSA will be reduced by the amount of the Carer's Allowance. I do however have questions as to what happens next with my husband's JSA claim. I understand that he may be able to make changes to his JSA agreement, given that he will be in receipt of Carer's Allowance. Are there likely to be any other changes, or other options? Should we, or will we have to, move to Income Support, and what implications are there likely to be if this happens? Many thanks for any help anyone can offer. Ren
  3. Hi, I'm hoping to take on the HSBC as they are crippling me at the monent with charges on top of charges.
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