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Found 3 results

  1. Hello to all, I wandered lonely as a cloud through Google and found you all. The info I was privy to was very useful indeed. I, like many of you have an on going issue which I seek advice on. I'll discuss this in a separate thread, but in the meantime wish to say hi to you all and many thanks for your help in advance Papa Brownie:smile:
  2. Hi all once again, have a small problem with an eviction. I am with Amber home loans, have a self build mortgage on another property. Keeping it short I had an accident a few years ago that left me unable to work. In January run out of money and could not pay the mortgage. Struggled to find work again etc as injuries restricted me. Anyway bury head, get repossessed then ring Amber. Told eviction date of July 30th. I owe about 3800, paid them a 1000 up front, told them an interim from my accident was due in a couple of weeks which would clear arrears, they asked for bank statements, proof of work ( I am self employed) proof that the 100 pounds had been paid out of my account (just paid them on my debit card ? ) and then they might be able to do something to stop the eviction. The best bit was that they wanted all this the next day !!!!! What are my options now ? Thank you all
  3. Hello all, I need some advice, well actually my boyfriend does. He and his ex-partner took out a credit card with Santander, he tells me he was the main cardholder and her name was added as a second card holder. She has now buggered off leaving him with a repayment of £6000. Santander then took her name off the account, leaving him the owner of this debt!! What a bitch I know. Anyhow, can they take her name off the account without his permission? He wants to pay half and then pass the debt to her, but I don't think it will work that way? But I'm not sure? Any advice would be most grateful. Cheers lovely people.
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