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  1. To cut a long story short.... I worked as a freelance contractor for a firm for 6 months in 2015. The long term contract was eventually cancelled by mutual consent and in October. In December I was sent a letter from my client stating that they strongly believed that I had not fulfilled any of my duties under the contract and wanted £4,000 withn 30 days or were threatening to take me to court for £12,000 + I spoke to a solicitor who advised me that unless it was a letter from a solicitors on the clients behalf, then I should not respond as the client was probably "fishing" to see if I would pay up. I received another letter in March, stating the same thing, at which point I requested a Subject Access Request (I did this as everything I did was controlled by work email I had no access to, including my contract and other personal documents) I received the SAR response as a set of transcripts of emails and other documentation (which according to the SAR code of practice is totally acceptable), HOWEVER also included was personal notes inbetween the emails, one of which states that due to a situation that occured the client thought I was going to use certain information to blackmail them. Yes they actually wrote that on the SAR response paperwork, twice, in two different places among the 36 pages of response I received. Now, my question is, are they allowed to comment with personal opinion and notation on an SAR response or should it be just the facts taken from documentation? I cannot find anything in my searches and thought one of you fine people on here would know. If not, what would be my next step in responding to it other than to ask for the information without the notation? Thanks in advance
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