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Found 2 results

  1. My son is 7 and gets higher rate mobility and care DLA. His father is the appointee so he gets all the correspondence, we recently split up and our son lives with me. the payments go into my bank account (which was our joint bank account but my husband took himself off the account so it's now just in my name). Is it easy enough to change the appointee to myself? I googled it and read that they suspend the payments and make a home visit. Anybody know anything about this?
  2. I got this form a few days ago and I need to return it by the 22nd (less than a week from when I received it). And I'm really not 100% certain how to fill in the box. It does say 'briefly' but I'm worried that if I don't put in enough information that it may go against me when I fill out the actual PIP forms when my son is 16... My son has a diagnosis of ASD and had been getting high care and low mobility (the welfare officer at cab several years ago advised that I should appeal for higher mobility but I was just happy to get something and didn't want to go through an appeal even though he wasn't the only person to advise that). My son has no concept of the value of items at all and there is no way he could manage his own finances but I really have no idea how to explain that. Any help/advice greatly appreciated
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