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Found 3 results

  1. Hi team, looking for some advice I have beaten a very serious gambling addiction a few years ago for which I received professional help, but, left my council tax in arrears, over £1900 in arrears for a number of years, have worked 7 days a week, 72 hr weeks on overtime to pay the arrears off, and as of this month it is now up to date I am scared to think of the charges they made on me for my arrears specially as it went to sheriff officers Alex M Adamson, and they charge£££ hundreds if not more, Now that I am up to date do I have any recourse to claim the charges back? Any advice would help
  2. Hi i received a letter from Alex M Adamson (A M A) about council tax arrears from 2000/1. Now this has to do with x wife who at that time turns out she had not been paying the council tax which i did not know about. I phoned her and asked her about this letter and she told me that this was correct and she had been dealing with it but she now is been made bankrupt and according to her this council tax is being paid for due to this bankruptcy. We had split up over money issues and basically debts but i gave her the house because i would not make the kids homeless but the understanding was all the debts were being paid off and they were or so i thought, i had to go and sign documents etc etc etc giving her the house and the debts being paid off when she remortgaged the house which was fine but now it turns out she had not told me about this council tax debt not being paid. So now A M A has for some reason now got me as in debt with this council tax from 2000/1 even tho the x wife assures me this is being paid under this bankruptcy thing she had done. So just wanting any info anyone can give me on what are my options and will i be liable for this even tho it's meant to be getting paid now i am being told in this letter that they will end up freezing my bank account, wages arrestment sheriff oficers etc etc etc if i do not pay this. Now i am on DLA and ESA and i cannot work now due to health reasons so they cannot do a wages arrestment since i do not work but they probably can do the freezing my bank account and take my benefits money ? The thing that is strange to me before i received this letter (which i think is down to what i am going to say here or something to do with this bankruptcy) i had been paying this bedroom tax and i was told i could get a discretionary housing payment so i applied and indeed i got one and the council told me i would get a refund of what i had paid but if there was any outstanding debt owed to the council in my name they would take whatever from the money due. I thought well i have been in a council house 6 years and have never missed any payments regarding the council so i waited for the money to be refunded and it duly was refunded so that was the last of it or so i thought. But now i am wondering why did the council not take the money i was due from them and put it towards this so called council debt ? i can only think this is because this had been passed on to A M A in 2000/1 or whenever. So if anyone can give me any advice on this matter it would be greatly appreciated thx in advance PS I live in Scotland
  3. Hi there, First post so be gentle on me! I'm at the moment currently trying to sort out my girlfriends debt for her. Over the last year shes got her self into a right mess with payday loans which i'm currently helping her with making arrangements etc.. but shes also got a back dated council tax bill of approx 4000 to deal with. To be honest shes been ignoring it and hoping that it would go away - but shes now received a letter from Alax M Adamson that they will be recommending to the council to start bankruptcy proceedings and to stop this action that shes to call and make some sort of arrangement with them now. They state they will also be proceeding with all other diligences available under a Summary Warrant. I'm just wondering whats the best way to deal with this? On looking through other posts some times the advice was simply to start paying the council and ignoring the sheriff officers. Or should she be dealing with them on this occasion? Thanks Graeme
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