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  1. Hi there, First post so be gentle on me! I'm at the moment currently trying to sort out my girlfriends debt for her. Over the last year shes got her self into a right mess with payday loans which i'm currently helping her with making arrangements etc.. but shes also got a back dated council tax bill of approx 4000 to deal with. To be honest shes been ignoring it and hoping that it would go away - but shes now received a letter from Alax M Adamson that they will be recommending to the council to start bankruptcy proceedings and to stop this action that shes to call and make some sort of arrangement with them now. They state they will also be proceeding with all other diligences available under a Summary Warrant. I'm just wondering whats the best way to deal with this? On looking through other posts some times the advice was simply to start paying the council and ignoring the sheriff officers. Or should she be dealing with them on this occasion? Thanks Graeme
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