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Found 3 results

  1. Has anyone been to court in a consumer dispute section 14 not of satisfactory quality/not fit for purpose where the product was faulty in the first 6 months where the burden of proof is reversed how important would this be for the claimants case
  2. Could anyone give information on what happens at a set aside hearing i am the judgement creditor lip ccj against active ltd thanks
  3. Hi everybody, looking for some advice regarding a used vehicle. earlier this year, we had an accident which caused significant damage to our car and it was written off by the insurance company. using the insurance payment we purchased a used car from a dealer. our old vehicle was: 2007, 64000 miles, no previous owners - bought from new. the used car we bought: 2006, 75000 miles, 2 previous owners. MOT the same week as purchased - no advisories. a good clean tidy car that HPI checks found clear. we felt confident enough to purchase the car. before leaving the forecourt after a test drive, we noticed the battery light was on. the dealer had no explanation but said if there was any issues he has no problem replacing the battery should that be needed. the battery light did go out after a few miles, but intermittently would come on over the next 2 weeks, we took it to a garage for a diagnosis and it was actually a bad alternator. we called the dealer and requested he replace the alternator , which he did. unfortunately now, 3 months since purchase, the power steering has failed rendering the car undriveable. the RAC recovered the car and did a report stating the issues and once again I informed the dealer and requested a repair. he said sorry but the vehicle was out of warranty, tough luck sort of thing. ( we didn't actually discuss/sign any warranty info but i assume he is talking about a 3 month warranty - as we are now 3 months a 6 days since purchase ) I called trading standards who said: under SOGA I was within my rights to request the car be repaired. especially within the 6 months. the vehicle was valuable enough to expect it to be reasonably free from defects especially any that render the vehicle useless. regarding repairs , they said he would had a few options, one being he repairs the car at his chosen garage another being we mutually agree a local garage who can repair the car and issue the invoice to him. Just wanted to hear peoples opinions on this issue? The dealer is a good dealer as far as I can see so far. He was helpful with a previous problem and doesn't 'avoid' contact . at least up to now. so I would like to be civil at all costs.. but be firm when exercising my rights. many thanks all.
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