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Found 2 results

  1. Since having Radiotherapy in 2006/7 I have developed Osteo Necrosis of the Jaw. I had surgery to remove a piece of my jaw bone earlier this year. About 6 weeks ago my Jaw became tight and painful and over a week became intolerable. I contacted facial/oral surgery at my local hospital where I was given an appointment, by the time of the appointment I was basically living on Porridge. At the appointment I told the Doctor that it felt like my jaw was broken, he asked me if I wanted an x-ray to which I replied I would. On examination he told me I had a serious infection and that an x-ray would be pointless as the infection was severe and would feel as painful as a break. I replied I would rather have an xray but was dissuaded. I did ask him if that was his professional opinion that an xray would be pointless to which he replied yes, and gave me a 4 week course of anti biotics and some Scandishake meal replacemnt drinks. The pain got worse and a couple of times I nearly went to A&E and was sleeping in an armchair as I was unable to lie in bed due to the pain in the jaw, in the end I got another emergency appointment with Facial / oral surgery dept. A different Doctor examined me and immediately called the consultant who came and examined me. She immediately put me on her surgery list for the follwing week. The whole experience of attending my appointement for surgery was farcical and is subject to a seperate complaint to the hospital. What concerns me is that during Surgery I had a fracture that needed bolting together, the pain and suffering that I and my family went through the preceeding weeks I feel was avoidable if they had granted my request for an xray as my body was telling me it was broken. But like many of us I did not want to have a " I know better attitude" and challenge the Doctors knowledge and experience and trusted him wholly. The question I am asking is how do I proceed. Am considering legal action, though I loathe to do it against the NHS of which I am a great believer, but this is not the first time I have had issues with this hospital. I had to stop my part time job and will be seeking a sick note to go onto esa for a short while whilst I recover, during surgery they removed one of my teeth and so now have to fork out for another partial denture. I am so frustrated and am sure I have missed out Information that caggers may need to help me, so I will reply as required Many thanks for just letting me vent so far. Back now to weeks of pain killers and anti biotic
  2. This is a touching story http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-26935641
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