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Found 5 results

  1. The first newsletter for 2017 will be posted here tomorrow. It is currently being sent to those who subscribe via email. Unfortunately, there is an error in one of the articles. New Car Tax Rules from April 2017 1st April 2014 will see changes to Vehicle Excise Duty. This will be based on the Vehicles emissions and list price. There is a 3 tier band with zero emission vehicles exempt from VED. This should read 1st April 2017 will see changes to Vehicle Excise Duty.
  2. "Just had my water bill of £175.00 come through the letter box. That's a lot - Oxfam can supply a whole African village for £2.00 per month, time to change supplier I think"
  3. Hi, How do I subscribe to CAG newsletter? I cannot find any link or page anywhere and this: http : / / www . consumeractiongroup . co . uk / newsletter . php doesn't seem to be working. I got an activation letter with a link that appears to be broken - no id: http : / / www . consumeractiongroup . co . uk / newsverify . php?id= (spaces added by me) Thanks
  4. I wanted to read more of the article "Guide to calling Customer Services" in the January newsletter. I can't seem to develop the article?
  5. CAG Newsletter - October 2010 01 -October 2010 Newsletter.pdf CAG Newsletter - November 2010 02 - November 2010 Newsletter.pdf CAG Newsletter - December 2010 03 - December 2010 Newsletter.pdf
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