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Found 2 results

  1. For my daughters 21st birthday we have arranged a boat party on Thames. We have agreed the price for the boat, food, entertainment and 1 glass of champagne We have also paid £500 for the drinks at the bar so the guests could order what they like. We informed the company that if the drinks will go above that amount our daughter will settle the balance. There were about 35 quests. At the end of the party the company produced a bill on their headed paper for further £1131.50 which she had paid. We thought that £1631.50 for 35 people drinking for 4 hours was rather excessive and asked the company to provide us with itemised bill to see what drinks were sold. This they have refused saying that there is no till receipts for the drinks. We asked how they could come up with this total if the drinks were not recorded in the till. We were told that they only put the drinks through the till if customers are paying, So why we are not classed as paying customers if we had to settle this bill at the end. We had no further response from them. I would very much appreciate for any advice how to go forward with this as we cannot think of any industry that will bill you without any details of what they are billing you for.
  2. hi, i have been off work sick for 8 months and i will be leaving soon due to ill health. during my time off i have received 26 weeks full pay {company discretionary sick pay} and 13 weeks half pay. this has all come to an end and i am now getting nothing but am about to claim ESA i was told by my employers that the SSP i received was offset against my company sick pay but all of my wage slips just state basic pay and there is no mention of SSP or company sick pay despite the company's terms and conditions stating that all sick pay entitlements will be itemized on my wage slips. i have also found some law stating that pay slips should be itemized but it is all rather vague and not very specific. i have also learned that where an employer knows the employee is on long term sick that they have a legal obligation to send them a SSP1 form on the 23rd week of the 28 week cycle of SSP entitlement. my SSP ran out on the 23rd March and i have received nothing. have i got grounds for court action? i am also trying to unearth some more things to build a solid case
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