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  1. Hi, hope someone can advise on the best course of action, because so far, we have got nowhere with the HMRC telephone numbers, having been doing laps round departments as one refers back to the previous....but no one can help, except to take payment obviously. The situation My other half of 3 years, received a letter from the HMRC dated 22nd April 2014, stating that she had an outstanding debt of £750.23. According to the very brief detail on the back this was due to an overpayment of Working Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit dating from May 2007. This is the absolute FIRST she has heard about it. Her other half from then has also received a letter. They have been in contact and he knows nothing of it either. He has also heard nothing from them prevously. The letter she has received is quite threatening, quoting the usual 'contact us and make payment in full or we'll refer you to a DCA' etc. I'll see if I can upload it after I've written this post. ********************** My inital research, consisting mainly of browsing the HMRC webbie and looking at some of the webpages that the auto-announcements make on the HMRC telephone number eg WTC8, make me concerned that there is no way of challenging this. This, got me particularly worried: You can only dispute recovery of an overpayment that happened in the tax year the notice or letter relates to. You will not normally be able to dispute overpayments from earlier tax years. Quite how we're supposed to dispute a debt from 2007, IN 2007 when we were only informed about it in 2014 is beyond me !! So far we have called the initial number of 0300 200 3881, and spoke to a human. All she could do was take payment...but did restate the DCA threat. She referred us to 0345 300 3900 when we requested a breakdown and some justification. This is all automatic menus, and refer to the leaflet WTC8 for an explanation.. .and the leaflet refers back to the telephone number if you want to challenge. The last announcement also refers to 0845 302 1429, that was also unhelpful and not staffed by humans. No possibility for any further information - just a payment service. So I gues all we can do is write a letter. Old school. ******************* Any advice, or templates about...? Can I send the usual DCA warning letter withdrawing any rights to enter my property...? We DO NOT acknowedge this debt, and this is the first contact about it, so is it covered by the 6 year rule...? Thanks for your help in advance. Rich I've posted in the HMRC section, but thought I would post here too to see whether the same Statute Barred rule applies. Full thread in Work,social & community/Benefits & HMRC / HMRC Summary £750 debt letter popped on the doorstep last week, relating to alleged Child/Working tax credit overpayment from MAY 2007. This is the first time my other half has been contacted about it, and the first time she has been made aware that there was a debt. Obviously she disputes it is owing, but the HMRC are being decidedly unhelpful. Is it technically Statute Barred...? You guys have been so helpful in the past (about Motormile & others) I just wondered if you had any other advice...? Rich Addition. My other half ALREADY has small deductions for an overpayment from last year via her tax credits...implying that HMRC is on top of her benefit situation. Quite why this debt has now popped out from 2007 implies a significant change in something. I just wish HMRC would talk to us about it.
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