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Posts posted by queensclose

  1. same happened to me.

    it was just messages. some personal.

    didn't offer me anything. i was just told its a loan handset. and its up to the borrower to remove any information on its return.

    had to make do with a £9.99 phone while my iphone took 3 weeks to have a new screen replaced

  2. this is what the department of transport send if you ask about about it


    Further information on the rest of the Bill’s contents can be found here: http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/publications/legislation/protection-freedoms-bill/

    A vehicle’s driver is responsible for parking charges incurred on private land. This can make it impossible to enforce the charges if the registered keeper denies responsibility and will not provide the details of the driver. I should add that the problem is likely to increase when wheel clamping on private land is banned. Provisions in Schedule 4 of the Bill will mean that the vehicle keeper is liable for any unpaid parking related charges incurred by the vehicle. The provisions will also mean that the vehicle keeper may either pay the charges or notify the creditor of the name and address of the driver at the material time.

    In order to protect motorists, the proposed powers in the Bill will only be able to be used by parking companies that are members of the British Parking Association’s (BPA) Approved Operator Scheme (AOS). This is the relevant Accredited Trade Association (ATA) for the parking industry and all members must comply with its code of practice (CoP), which has conditions on signing, and complaints procedures. The BPA monitors continued compliance and investigates complaints where breaches of the CoP are alleged. Members of the AOS are most likely to set reasonable levels of parking charges for non-compliance, discounted for prompt payment. This is a practice commonly used in the commercial sector.



    note the word CREDITOR

  3. Thanks for the update.


    i know some people wont like the outcome and you have received some abuse.

    but at the end of the day your are fighting for something you a have a right too..


    the government has got the gone to pot. Britain has been sold down the river. companies took over by foreign investors closed down and sent abroad. contracts that could have saved British jobs given to foreign companies.


    i drove to Germany recently. i noticed immigrants in camps in France waiting to sneak in to UK. i spoke to a local Police who said we don't give them anything thats why they are trying to cross the channel. i said what if they claim asylum. he said your joking. show me an asylum seeker out of this lot. you lot may accept but the French don't stand for it. he said if they start causing trouble with the locals we just go in and tear the camp down on a rainy night. they soon learn

    i noticed every Police car, Fire engine, Ambulance was French Built.

    moved on through Holland and Belgium and finally on to my family in Germany. again all Police cars, Fire engines Ambulances are German built.

    yes they got immigrants. but the locals said they are just passing through on there way to France. we dont accept asylum seekers unless they come direct from the country they are fleeing and coming through Italy is not good.


    anyway my point. the government allows anyone to come. take social housing from the locals, immediate use of the benefits system and NHS system if they cant get it human rights forces it with compensation. ( i blame the Judges for that)

    we all must now show respect ( get them pig ornaments out the window. it offends. change Christmas to winter holidays. take that cross off the church) show some diversity please


    so the government decide its people like you must pay (or don't get paid should i say)


    Thank you for fighting for your rights and shown us it can be done. and hopefully you will stay with CAG and advise anyone else who needs help.

  4. Technically yes the vehicle is in contravention. ).


    i'll see how the appeal goes. but yes people have received parking tickets while in queue to buy a ticket and yes it is open to abuse. ceo will just say no one was at the ticket machine. and your appeal would you was.

    i leave on the birmingham border with sandwell.

    in birmingham city centre all the disabled spaces are without time limit

    sandwell have a time limited space out of the city centre with no parking issues. thats how its easy to to no set the clock.

    thats way the receptionist says its a hotspot for tickets, and the warden lays in wait.

  5. thanks sam

    i,m just grieved about it


    he pounced as soon as i went in the door. if you look at the street view it like parking outside a house

    i have got an appeal going so just waiting


    the receptionist said its a hotspot with the warden because you don't expect a time limit disabled space outside the city

    she said it always guarantees him a ticket. that's why she keeps a watch outside the surgery and the warden does not like her because of it.


    the warden has it pretty well sewn up. because he know the receptionist watches him he takes pictures first and in my case i came straight back out as he was still taking the photos. i could have just drove off. but it would have been served by post

    he had a chose not to start issuing the ticket.

    instead he decided to issue it and breed contempt against traffic wardens


    last year i stopped a warden getting a slap by a irate motorist. i just said if you do it you will be done for assault. at which point be calmed down

    now i think i would just video it


    anyway weekend here and thats my rant. back to normal life

  6. You are right county court bailiffs are employed by the court and are civil servants. Anything else are private bailiffs.

    County court bailiffs only collect debts upto £5000. Unless it's covered by the consumer credit act.


    Now you know who he is. Write a letter of complaint to his office. And don't even open the door next time


    County court bailiffs carry the metal badge because they do have powers of arrest for certain things. The badge is the government crest

  7. They will advise you. But if it become complicated and the company refuse to budge. You won't get the services of a solicitor

    So if you felt you were wrongfully the union rep would sit in and meetings and state your case. If the company say sorry your still sacked. Your on your own


    Another problem you would have Would be an accident at work. You would be on your own. You could use a no win no fee company. But nothing like a union rep who has access to the accident site

  8. A county court bailiff would not execute a business debt of £9000 unless it was covered by the consumer credit act. Which I doubt. Looks like it's a private bailiff. Search the surname on the hmcs website of certified bailiffs

    As for the house. As it's in joint names. Putting a charge on the property is pretty useless. And wasting their money.. If you sold up. It's upto the new owner to to tell the claimant you have moved. By then it's to late


    Politely tell him your ex does not reside and not to return. And close the gate on the way out

  9. if you sued. what would you sue for?


    if its having your car towed. they were in the right. you failed to display a valid badge. you knew it did not have a valid ticket and no authorisation to park when you left it.


    looking at the letter. they are denying your allegations. so it will be word against word about asking for the permits.


    if you did win these private parking companies are also well known for not paying anyway.


    they have no such thing as an appeal system. and using the last bit of clamping time they have left to get rich before its outlawed

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