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Everything posted by carinas

  1. just to update i haven't heard off Welcome since my LBA so i shall be writing them a long detailed letter stating how i have reported them for non compliance. Edited to say : have spoken to compliance dept today who say that they sent info out rec deliv yest, i bet it turns up tomorrow with todays post mark. Have reported them all the same. Assuming that they aren't going to send me out all the information requested has anyone any thoughts on the fact that the maximum we can claim in the small claims court is £4999 it is then up to Welcome to furnish us with information on account to prove they owe us less?
  2. well i was charged for 2 as i took 2 loans, but as i had already ben accepted on one and they chargged me again i will claim it back, infact i may well claim them both on the grounds that they shouldn't charge an acceptance fee seeing as they apparently accept anyone! and they more than make their money back in interest and wrongly applied charges.
  3. hi everyone, Just to update my SAR expires tomorrow, so unless i get a wad of information back off of Welcome in tomorrows post i shall be reporting them for non compliance. Also i think i shall just make the most of the statements they have sent me and go in for the kill, working out the fees etc from them. Has anyone had any joy in battling the APRs? I am planning on claiming fees, PPI, and disbursal fees, which amount to just under £2k. Will i be able to whack some interest on that for the time that they have had my money? Id really like some help as although i have read lots on this forum i still dont fully understand what i can or cannot claim for
  4. yep Soli i have sent them that letter than Falcon suggested today. They have 7 days keft of their allowance for the SAR and so i have wrote this on the letter too, anlso added that i wanted signed PPI agreements and anything they had relating to my accounts. Feeling a bit stuck with these statements though, as they get pretty confusing what i can claim back
  5. not necessarily! As i sent off a SAR and all i have recieved is a statement of account!
  6. i recieved statements which show i paid £2430.20 interest when i originally bought the car, then when i refinanced i recieved a rebate of 1280.78 and then was charged £2025.53 interest on the new agreement. So for the luxury of having the car for 6 months it cost me £1149.42 in interest. How do i go about claiming this back? This car was worth £2800 when i bought it so i paid a lot of interest for 6 months? HELP?
  7. Falcon, whats your position at the moment with your welcome claim? I think you and i are not far apart. I have recieved statements but nothing else, my SAR request runs out in 7 days. What did you then do?
  8. my SAr request should be up today and all i have is a statement of account, which shows i have paid £1323 PPi and £962.28 in fees phone calls etc etc. Soli did you find a letter about not recieving all you SAR?
  9. This may be of use to natwest customers. After phoning my branch to advise that i had a direct debit to which the funds were not available to take, the guy in the call centre told me he could recall the DD and then i would not get charged for unpaid direct debit. SO if you know you have stuff going out and not enough to cover simply call them and ask them to recall it (on the day its going out) then you wont get charged. I know you can reclaim the charges, but avoiding them is better.
  10. no Soli i was being funny! statements never arrived today, suprise suprise!
  11. ok guys, just had a chat with my friendly welcome finance branch! they rung to ask why had i stopped my direct debits. I sadi that i was disputing the amount owed to them and that i had applied to head office with my SAR. He said that he had a copy of that and what information was i looking for? I said i will be disputing charges and that i require all information they hold about me and my account as per the SAR. he said he will send me a statement of my account to get the ball rolling and i did remind him i need agreements and PPi agreements and he said these will come from the compliance department. He said statements will arrive tomorrow so i will be interested to see what happens then!
  12. no i know it is ! i actually didn't have proof of address unless i used a bank statement and had to tell them this and ask if they would use my university acceptance letter, they did. Just use it as a learning process, if you search basic bank accounts on google theres several sites that will list what you get for each account, so you should be able to find another good one, this time dont mention the bank account you already have!
  13. when i went into Natwest to open a step account the lady i spoke to told me off the books to go into another branch and ask to open a step account and tell them that i do not have an account elsewhere (i had a RBS one, but wanted step for the solo card) Apparently the right to open a bank account is only available to people who DO NOT have one.
  14. yep surreylad did, have a search through for his thread
  15. Fair Claire i have stopped my direct debit payments and have only recieved one letter to which i replied that the account was in dispute until they provided my SAR. That seemed to have kept them away an i have recieved no phone calls or letters. Next time they call tell them no they cant have the money, and do try to get a new card to stop them taking the money unauthorised.
  16. thats a good point i had 2 loans too and probably 2 acceptance fees, must remember to add this on ! I've no doubt they would have! infact i had my original car finance and when i told them i couldn't afford it i have a feeling they refinanced the whole lot and lowered the repayments, so i am paying 2 amounts of interest
  17. just a thought, but if i'm expecting my SAR to arrive with no credit agreement, does that mean i should have sent a CCA request now to save the them wasting more time?
  18. In anticipation of my SAR arriving! I'm expecting a pile of badly photocopied nothing, like others on here have stated... I was thinking we should all club together and work out exactly what can be reclaimed: charges for Phone calls charges for using debit card charges for letters infact any charges of this sort! PPI can we then claim back interest on what they have taken? Anyone else care to offer what can be claimed? thought it might help us to all club together!
  19. Soli you got your SAR reply already, and i sent my request off before you!! no fair! Anyhow, was just going to say... I have cancelled my direct debit to Welcome as i believe they owe me more than i owe them. I phoned the branch to ask how much they would want for me to pay off the finance early and was told to write in, this i did but i have never recieved a reply!! ( i was just curious anyway... more for our entertainment than the fact i was ever going to pay it off early!) Anyway i sent my SAR to headoffice and cancelled my DD the same day. I have now missed 2 DD payments and all i have received is 1 letter from the branch stating i owe them £20 for the letter an that my DD had been unpaid and please pay up. I have received no phone calls from them (as is the norm when i have missed payments in the past) which makes me wonder if headoffice have told them to go easy on me as i have a SAR request in?? Anyway i wrote a nice letter in reply to theirs stating that i was disputing the amount owed and that thanks for charging me £20 i'll be claiming it all back. They haven't replied!
  20. i'm a member of credit expert and experian thanks so i have instant access to reports, as i am trying to clean them up! This information is still held incorrectly about me though that is the only reason i wanted it corrected.
  21. Hi, recently been threw a wrangle with Woolwich which resulted in them not being able to provide me with any information on my account from 2001 therefore they offered to remove my 2 x defaults relating to this account, which they have done. However on my credit file i still have the account information whcih says i fell behind on payments for up to 4 months before the account was finally settled in june 2002. This information will not be removed from my file until June 2008. As they are not able to provide me with any information regarding my account and i am not able to prove that these were caused by bank charges and not by my own fault. Is it reasonable for me to ask them to update this too, and to what extent can i request? E.G i believe the account cannot be removed completely but is it reasonable to request that it is brought up to date and all the bad marks are removed? Is it possible for them to even do this? Even more so, does anyone know if this data will even caue any harm to my credit rating? After all it is marked as settled but will creditors still look at this?
  22. just waiting too! 13 days left until S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) times up!
  23. our council does the same, our collection is tuesday morning and rubbish has to be put out tuesday morning, anyone who puts rubbish out monday night is commiting an offence and the council will collect the rubbish bags, go through the contents and using the information in there, letters etc, write to you with a fine. Please remember to shred all of your letters etc, if the council can find it so can the fraudsters!
  24. Woolwich have agreed my defaults were incorrectly issued and have agreed to remove them 1) do i write to the credit files ompanys to advise them 2) i heard that the credit file companies will reissue information to companies that had credit searched me recently, anyone have anymore info onthis or do i just write to the companies?
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