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Everything posted by mooshy

  1. Ok I,ve decided to go for mediation. Northampton court mediation line is now closed for weekend and I,m going into hospital Monday ! date on the claim form is .6th June am I ok doing this tue or am I too late ? Thanks so much btw for advice x
  2. The shadow - thanks . if i get a time order would it stop the ccj going down against me ? You say 5 days after claim date . Thats 6th June on claim date ! Coledog - Particulars of claim as follow > The claimants claim is for the sum of 4.536.42 being monies due from the defendant to the claimant under a regulated agreement between the defendant and HBOS. (no. xxxxxxxxx) and assigned to the claimant on oct 8 2010, notice of which h been provided to the defendant. The defendant has failed to make a payment in accordance with the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served persuant to the consumer credit act 1974. And the claimant claims the sum of 4,536.42. The date on the northhampton court claim is 6 june 2011. Elsa - thanks again- you say "you can still admit the debt and negotiate out of court before the hearing date, indeed it's encouraged. " - - - would this negotiation if tey agreed mean i still had a ccj ? Thanks all-i need to sort this tomorrow as back to work wed x
  3. Hi Coaldog-i hope your right i think you may be. I have scanner here but no idea how to use it ! havent told my husband yey but will do if you really need document scanning as he will do it for me later tonight. Its a blue and white a4 size-4 pieces of pare in total claim form response pack admission defence no other documents. It does say on the response form. if you file an acknowledgement of service but do not file a defence within 28 days of the date of service of the claim form or particulars of claim if served separetely judgement may be entered against you. If you do not file an application within 14 days of the date of filing this acknowedgement of service, iy will be assumed that you accept the courts jurisdiction and judgement may be entered against you. Please tell me there is someway i can stop this being on my file still for 6 years ? And thank youx
  4. CitezenB thank you. When you say it MAY be acceptable to them who do you mean-HBOS or the court or the Court ? Who exactyly should i make the offer to or do i have to file a defence to enter into ANY negotiation ? Thanks
  5. Thanks Elsa, If i do none of above and just accept and negotiate payment terms is there anyway they could stop the ccj being registered without paying the whole lot upfont ? I really dont think i`ll have the time/ guts to defend because tbh i did sign an agreement and should have paid. I`m not after a get out clause i just dont want a ccj . I`ll do as you say but the whole defence thing sounds complicated and very scary-whats the worse case sxenario if i defend and lose ?
  6. Thank you- will i still have it registered against me for 6 years now tho. Is there anything i can do which will mean i dont actually get the ccj registered - am not in a position to find all that money but could prob pay it over 12 months
  7. Thanks for reply. I have no statementsbut have just opened an envelope full of letters. Arrow bought the debt in Oct 2010. I`ve been ignoring letters and phonecalls . I know it sounds mad but i am completely and utterly phobic of answering the phone and have buried my head ibn the sand. As i`m typing this it has started a panic again that i once had years ago when my husband got made redundant and we lost our home. This is very difficult for me because i start to panic and i need to sort this. I have 1 statement from Halifax One. No added charges. I did get a default i`m sure. Particulars of claim as follow > The claimants claim is for the sum of 4.536.42 being monies due from the defendant to the claimant under a regulated agreement between the defendant and HBOS. (no. xxxxxxxxx) and assigned to the claimant on oct 8 2010, notice of which h been provided to the defendant. The defendant has failed to make a payment in accordance with the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served persuant to the consumer credit act 1974. And the claimant claims the sum of 4,536.42. I wrote to the halifax a couple of years ago asking for written communication and a payment plan but they only continued to phone me.. The date on the northhampton court claim is 6 june 2011. can i contact Arrow Global and offer payment terms for full amount and ask them to drop the case ?? is that a stupid question ? Oh crumbs i cant beleive i`ve let this happen. Please can someone tell me what to do in very simple terms-i`ve not only got this going on but huge things going on at home and at work so has come at worst possible time x
  8. Missold PPi - not sure if i had it or not. Also slight niggle in back of my mind that i may be heading for or over 6 years ? How can i find out either of above ?
  9. thanks. Claimants are arrow global ltd and its 4.536.42for a credit card with HBOS x
  10. I`ve been very very silly and ignored letters about a debt for too long. A letter arrived this morning from Northampton county court very official looking and looks like a ccj. The amount is for over 4000 on an old credit card - there is no way i can pay it off in the 14 days i think would mean it wasnt registered. The thing is i was just sorting my finances out after returning this week to work after maternity leave and i really wanted to spend a year or 2 making my credit file a1 as we would like to sell up and move house in next couple of years-so it is really really going to have a massive impact on my life. The letter is entitled a Claim form with a county court stamp and claim no. with various options of response and times - court fee of 85.00 and solicitir costs of 80.00 are added to the debt. Is there anyway i can prevent this from beng registered against me if i only agree to a payment plan or am i well and truly done for ? Any advice very welcome. i know its wrong that i ignored the letters so please dont have a go at me . Thanks again
  11. Oh i see. I`ll be hoping to increse my mortgage from 80,000 to around 120,000 though.Will this be possible now i have defaults ?
  12. I am dpoing REALLY well with my own debt management plan and will be entirely debt free end of next year . (nb debts only through mismanagement on my part not lack of funds to be honest ). We will be in a position to afford a much needed extension and would like to remotgage to do this as our salaries are pretty good and we have a low mortgage with no missed payments . During a really bad time last year when i ignored eveythind i have got 4 defaults - to be honest i was suprised at no CCJ`s. Are defaults less serios than CCJ`s as far as mortgages are concerned ? I am hoping to get 2 removed whatever it takes but the other 2 are well deserved but satisfied. Please be honest x
  13. Thanks fred. Will do this now and and send copy to Vodaphone also.
  14. No i got a copy of my credit file and there is clearly a default registered on it despite me sending the letter template saying how they couldn`t do this as account was in dispute.
  15. cant locate them anywhere on here but sure they must be . Cheers x
  16. I`ve recently checked my credit file and was completely to see i had a default registered against me for vodaphone. I wrote and ended my contract with them giving them 3 months notice. They said they never received this and i had to apy a further 3 months. I disputed this but in the meantime they issued me witha letter saying if i didnt pay within 14 days they would issue a default. I was completely mad because out of principle i didn`t want to apy it but didn`t want a default either even more. I was assurred that if i paid over the phone there and then they would not issue the default -so i paid and rememeber how hard up we were that week because i would do anything not to receive a default. Any suggestions of how i can go about getting them to remove it - or do you think i`m wasting my time ?
  17. Well how time flies-i never sent ni but received a letter from lloyds tsb saying that they had everything on hold at the mo due to court case ect and would let me know the outcome, Am i ok just hanging around or should i take it further. I`m paying off debts at the moment and doing really well so dont have any spare cash really for taking furter action x
  18. Ok i`ve finally searched my credit file-no ccj`s-phew but 4 x defaults. 2 are def surprises because 1 is with lloyds who i am in dispute with over bank charges - have sent letter to all 3 cra and cc lloyds today (not posted yet ), and the other is with vodaphone for 47.00 !-i clearly remember a phone call on the last day before issue of default and the lady gave me her word if i paid there and then i would NOT have a default issued against my name. 3rd on is halifax cc - have just set up a payment plan with DCA but cant really say i didn`t deserve the default. 4th is a next one - cant remember anything about that buyt its a small amount and fully paid. I am currently paying off my debts over 24 months and then we will hopefully be in a position to comfortably be able to increase our mortgage for a much needed house extension-so i need to try and inprove my credit rating to the best i possibly can over the next 2 years. I`ve read the stickies on here and am a little concerned about stopping people from actually recording information as if i pay everything on time for 24 months and am debt free i woud actually quite like this recorded-i just want to shift the defaults. Could anyone please point me in the right direction and make it as simple as possible as i`m rather blonde
  19. And i know nothing about it ! I have printed off a letter template to send but is there any law i can use or letter i can use to try and get this removed. They have not contacted me for years and then i find a default !
  20. No i`ve looked there and its not there.Thanks for reply tho. This was a l;etter specifically saying that as the account was in dispute they couldn`t or shouldn`t default me according to xxxxxxxx act or something quite professional ?
  21. the letter is that i had ages ago remindinthem that as account in dispute they couldn`t default me ect x Many thanks.
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