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  1. That is the maximum permitted by the industry Code of Practice, which was written by legal professionals as I understand it and I'm pretty sure it is agreed with the OFT that the terms are fair. I doubt that could be easily challenged actually. Trouble is some people get stung by unscrupulous park owners and then that's what you read about on the internet, people blowing off steam about how they got shafted. If it was all that bad, there would be no holiday parks. In my experience unhappy static owners are often owners on big commercial parks with entertainment centres and huge running costs. You pays your money, you takes you choice and all that and I'd avoid such placed like the plague myself, wouldn't even rent a van on such a park. This year alone we've had around half a dozen calls from people wishing to relocate from their large commercial park, as they could be with us, by the sea, paying half the site fees they were paying and they don't have to rent their caravan out to pay their bills. I really feel sorry for parkhome owners who've been stung by foul-play such as land-leasing arrangements however, that is a truly disgusting practice and operators who are seen to be cheating the system in such a way should be removed from the industry. Most park operators I know however are honest, hardworking people with family-run businesses. So it's not all bad, there are good operators out here too, just be careful when you choose your park!!!
  2. Where did you find the information on past rates???
  3. How did you very the CC interest rates?!? Did you just use their current unauthorised o/d rate? or one from a while ago??? Thanks Meady
  4. Any idea where I can get LloydsTSB overdraft rates for the past 6 years on normal current accounts to calculate the contractual interest on their charges made? Meady
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