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Everything posted by Taliessa

  1. If they don't suffer from EMF sensitivity normally, 2 main possibilities spring to mind. 1) the EMF levels are so high it is affecting people not normally sensitive, or 2) some other factor (not necessarily EMF) is at play, giving the same symptoms as you get from EMF. I agree with this.... Not sure where mariner51 is coming from. Me neither! Have you found alternative accommodation now? Yes I have. I have had to go through private renting rather than HA but I have found somewhere Thankyou to everyone for your replies. They have been helpful.
  2. Hi BazzaS. I agree with what you are saying. I actually had no idea I was sensitive to electricity substations. The only EMFs I have come across in my life are from the mobile phone, WiFi and infra red hairdryers at the hair salon. Electromagnetic Sensitivity is not recognised as a disability in the UK anyway according to my doctor. If it was just me that had experienced this I would think exactly as you are. That this is a rare condition, specific to me, and not the HA's fault. But three of my friends who helped me take belongings over all experienced the same/similar symptoms as myself and none of them have ever had anything like this in their lives before. They are healthy and do not suffer from any kind of sensitivity, which leads me to think that the EMFs from the substation were above and beyond the tolerance level of any human being and that this is not just a condition specific to me, which means the flat is unsafe. It may not even have been the substation, it could be something else in the flat. I find it very hard to imagine that anyone could go to that flat and not feel what we felt. It was intolerable. One of my friends ran out after 5 minutes and said they were sorry but they could not stay in the building as they felt so bad. So I am not just dealing with "my" sensitivity/condition here but a potential hazard to anyone that moves there. Most of the families allocated the HA properties have young children. This it not just about me and my rights regarding having to pay notice but also about the safety of other tenants that may be offered the place next. The Faraday cage sounds like a good idea but I wonder if that would have any effect on the levels I was experiencing? It was so strong in every room. I have already handed the keys in. I got my belongings back out of the flat and returned my keys to the HA after 5 days. I got a receipt for the keys. I had to get my friends to get the last of my belongings out as I could not even go inside the building for 5 minutes. My friend felt the same as me but still went inside anyway and got my things as quick as possible. I just wonder if there is anything in legislation whatsoever regarding the safety of a property? Would this property not have to undergo a full investigation before they say I am liable for a four week notice rent payment? Thanks BazzaS for replying.
  3. Thanks BRIGADIER2JCS I will call them first thing Monday morning. When I spoke to Shelter they also suggested I ask the Housing Association if they can offer me alternative accommodation. I did request this to the HA but they said all housing stock allocations come from the council waiting list only. Also one of my friends who helped me move a few boxes in ( and then back out ) of the flat experienced significant symptoms. He telephoned the emergency number on the side of the substation. They came straight out and tested the substation and said it was all working normally but they did not have the equipment to measure EMFs inside the actual flat. Taliessa
  4. Hi raydetinu and thankyou for your reply. I have contacted shelter and they said they had never heard of a case like this. They said they thought I would have to pay the four week notice but suggested I see citizen's advice and take my tenancy agreement with me to show them. The trouble is I cannot see citizen's advice for a couple of weeks as there is a waiting list as they are so busy. The housing association have sent me a notice to quit form and if I don't sign and return it by the 12th September they said they would have to extend the notice to quit date so I would be liable for even more than four weeks rent. Do you know if there is anyway I can ask the housing association to put this case on hold ( and not keep extending the deadline) giving me time to see citizen's advice?
  5. Thankyou site team. I am so worried about it....
  6. Hello there. I recently signed a tenancy agreement with a social housing association for a two bedroomed first floor flat. It was a five year fixed term shorthold tenancy agreement with a 12 month starter period. There is a 4 week break clause if you want to end the tenancy early. I had the keys to the flat for 5 days but did not move into the property at any time. I started to become very ill as I was moving boxes into the flat. I suffered with headaches, dizziness, blurred vision and loss of balance. Symptoms subsided when I left the property. Symptoms returned when I went back to the property. I took three friends with me on separate occasions and they all felt the same. On the fourth visit to the flat I noticed an electricity substation in the front garden. I have always been sensitive to EMF pollution ( I have not been able to use a mobile phone for years except on loud speaker) I returned the keys and asked for a surrender of tenancy which has been refused. I feel that it is very unfair that I should be liable for any rent payments as I left the property through no fault of my own, on health grounds, as I simply could not stay there without experiencing these symptoms. The tenancy agreement states that the property would be safe but it was not safe for me. The social housing association say I have to give 4 weeks notice and pay 4 weeks rent and if I do not sign the form to say I am giving notice then they will extend the notice. I have told them I am going to seek legal advice. I do not have the money to see a solicitor. Can you advise? Many thanks.
  7. Hi there, I am new here, just joined. Thought I would say hello and thanks for all the great work you are doing here. I have quite a unique situation so am hoping someone may be able to help me? I will now go and find the right forum to post my question in....thanks
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