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  1. Hi I am getting phone calls from the debtors who have put the charge on the house, they are saying that they will get the money when I eventually sell the house even if her name is taken off the mortgage, are you sure of this?? Many thanks Nan
  2. Both our names are on the deeds, we are due to be divorced in a couple of weeks, and then she is signing over the house to me, it will take 3 years for the bank to officially take her name off the mortgage
  3. Hi DD Yes I moved back in and paid £17,000 of arrears and have been paying the mortgage regular for 6 months
  4. My wife has 2 charges which is against the house, we were separated when this happened, I moved back in just before the house was re processed, she is living somewhere else, and I was wondering if I am still liable for her debt or if it will work 50/50, any advice on this would be most helpful
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