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Everything posted by dandielion

  1. I've loads of evidence xxxxxxxxx regarding carillion. The xxxxxxx told by their project managers, the xxxxxxxxxxxx of bird nests so that they can get cavity wall insulation put in. Putting in wall insulation in properties where they do not have permission to be doing. No one phoning back regarding complaints. We've been waiting for 2 days as they seem to think that they're giving us cavity wall insulation after a letter addressed to "the occupier" arrived on saturday telling us this was happening tomorrow. Our building isn't suitable for this kind of work - they're just filling in the house next door - another property that isn't suitable but as everyone in the property rents then these tenants are all assuming that their landlords have okayed it. We've spoken to one landlord who has most definitely not approved it and is livid as are we. xxxxxxxxx all over them. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:(
  2. thanks, yes I do know it was them. They have been very intimidating in the past. usually they knock so loud you would have to be deaf not to hear them and they keep on knocking for ages as I was stuck in the bathroom once before when they came. As I have ocd I am usually in the bathroom washing or cleaning something and if interrupted I would have to start what could be a 8 hour washing ritual all over again. I have tried to phone and arrange appointments so i don't get the surprise visits which send my ocd through the roof, but they never respond with times or dates. So it is an invasion of privacy then?
  3. Please can someone tell me if it is legal and acceptable for a meter reader from G4S to stand in my back garden, point his phone at my bathroom window and take a picture of me standing at it whilst topless? This is what happened last week. Apparently there must've been a knock at the door. I did not hear the door go as the water was running in the bathroom and I was about to have a bath. The sash bathroom window was open about 2inches and I was standing at the sink next to the window when something caught my eye. I looked out to see the meter reading guy complete with uniform and id card around his neck pointing his phone up at my bathroom window. I shouted down to him "could you please stop taking naked pictures of me?" He didn't respond and left. I know it was G4s because a short while later I went out and saw their car in the area. Is this acceptable behaviour for g4s acting on behalf of scottish gas? Should I complain or am I over-reacting? Was this for some kind of evidence to prove that I was in and not getting the door? if so why would they do that?
  4. thanks for the suggestions everyone. Whenever repairs need done I thankfully live with an electrician who's able to fix anything as his job requires him to fix machines that break down and fault-find in a glass making factory and he always fixes the gas boiler when we have problems and he has a friend who is a gas fitter who can get parts he needs if he can't find parts online so I'm lucky that way. The flat is owned by us but the previous flat I lived in was owned by a housing association and I had to abandon it and all of my furniture because of the chaos created by gas men putting in a new boiler and I couldn't cope with living there anymore. I felt that my one sanctuary away from the world had been violated by unsympathetic inconsiderate gas fitters. I would like to be able to have someone else here at the time, but I really don't let anyone into the flat - not family, friends or anyone. My partner will be in the bedroom whilst its going on but there's nothing he can do to help. I know that bg only care about their customers' safety in so much as they don't want to be blamed or sued if something goes wrong with a faulty meter and someone gets hurt. If there was something wrong with the meter then my partner would know. He would certainly know more than the meter reader who'll be coming in to "check the safety" of the meter. I can't be the only person with mental health issues in this situation and I was just hoping that there was another solution that wasn't as invasive.
  5. I can't let that happen I'm afraid. What safety checks do they carry out then that make it so important that they get in. ocd isn't an illness that will just stop existing because the law of the land says so. if they have to come in then I'll have to move and then I will sue for emotional distress. Not many people understand the lengths that ocd sufferers go to in order to prevent their worst nightmares happening. If my only option is to let them in then it will have to go to court and I'll use the time it takes to find another place to stay-where the gas meter is outside. I just hoped for a better solution other than to just let them in.
  6. my gas meter has not been officially read for a good few years. I have paid every single bill they have ever sent me and I pay them promptly. They sent me a letter last week that I had to sign for which said that they would be applying for a court order to get access to my property to see the meter for safety reasons. can they do this and how can they justify that it is for safety reasons when the person who will come in will not be a corgi registered gas fitter and is therefore surely not qualified to know whether it is safe or not because it will be a meter reading guy that comes around and my experience of these men in the past has been terrible . They have all been bully boys who knock on the door as if they're trying to break it down and I've had 2 of them that have stood on the back lawn for ages staring up at the windows to see if I'm in or sometimes they'll pretend they've gone away and I'll look out of the front door keyhole to see them sitting on the wall opposite the front door waiting for me. I find this very intimidating and it makes me really angry. I have extreme ocd and I can't let anyone in the house, isn't there some way around this? Couldn't I take a video of my gas meter live on my mobile phone and they could see it that way. Surely that will give them as much information as they would get themselves if they came in. Because even if they did come in they wouldn't be touching the meter and they could just wait outside whilst I took the video and then I could hand over the video or phone to them. I can't emphasize how life destroying it would be for me to let one of these bully boys into my flat. My psychologist has already phoned them and gotten the court action stopped and they phoned me today to arrange access which I still can't and won't give them. Surely there's got to be some other way than having one of those intimidating guys that try to break my door down and are very unpleasant when, on the few occasions that I have gotten the door I've had to refuse them access.
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