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  1. This is why they are treating Drug and Alcohol Addicts as their best friends, in that not only will they receive benefits to continue to feed their habits, and ultimately somewhere along the line fail to meet a requirement, but instead of denying a someone hugely dependent on drugs the money to pay for it, means the JC+ Staff, and those funny people in suits they call "Security" going through the situation of having a crazed addict hold a gun to a JC+ staff members head for refusing to put through a payment they stopped, just goes to show how really tough the Coalition really is. So, not only do you have to become a Drug and Alcohol addict to ensure benefits are more secure then that of anyone else who fails to meet their responsibilities, Addicts also get addition tax payers support of Rehab!! So yes, indeed, I reckon it will not be too long before things get out of hand.
  2. This is something I recently spotted in a statistics report on benefits, and is now awaiting DWP Adelphi response on a Freedom of Information request just been put in. "Credits are also awarded where the jobseeker satisfies the conditions for Jobseeker’s Allowance but does not get it because: they have not paid enough contributions; or they have already received their full entitlement of contribution-based Jobseeker’s Allowance; or their income is too high to get income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance; or they have chosen not to claim Jobseeker’s Allowance." So, someone getting N.I credits who signs on just purely for Credits, not that I had decided against claiming it. It was said to of been disallowed. What's to say that cannot be interpreted as being nothing more then a way in which JCP could get away with having a jobseeker believe he has not met a Jobseeking Agreement, where in which because he did not apply for jobs, but still continued to provide steps deemed to be seen by the DWP as being "Actively Seeking Work". Then JCP staff are more then likely getting away with not only unlawfully denying a claimant of benefit they were entitled to, but due to possibly having barriers to which made it awkward for someone to find work, where nothing less then 30+ hours a week in a Permanenet (Non-Agency) based Job is not worth coming out of benefits for, as it was agreed with a Personal Adviser as to they type of wages and hours that would allow someone to claim working tax credit which would cover the costs of living. I am also looking into why benefits have been suspended since 23rd October 2012 using new sanction laws, where it has only just came to my attention in that the evidence which would of been required from the Work Programme Provider, who has not been able to live up to the minimal levels of service in that fortnightly reviews, became Once a month appointments, but they had not even bothered to update my last Jobsearch agreement that was signed in 2011. So, as it is a requirement in order to claim JSA under the new sanction rules, in which a current up to date Jobseeker's agreement would be needed, which I did not have, and had not signed one to say I had, means that surely I cannot be sanctioned on something that I had no idea that even existed anymore, as I thought going on the Work Programme meant not having to see Personal Advisers (as I were told there no longer was one who could be seen at JCP) as that's what the Work Programme's "Employment Advisers" role would be. Also, as the Work Programme Provider tried to sanction me for failing to attend a Job Search Review on the same day as I would be required to sign on, but after being sanctioned the week before, only had enough to cover a £1.90 single bus ticket, after phoning them to let them know this twice before I was due to go to the Work Programme Appointment, it later turns out that they had the balls to try and raise a doubt where they said I had failed to fully participate in the Work Programme, and never even offered to cover the travel expenses. because instead of handing out Travel Cards like the information pack promises, your expected to find money upfront to pay for bus tickets, and then get hand them in, in exchange for reimbursement. The first sanction they tried to pull on me was failing to actively seek work, in which anything other then failing to apply for 6 jobs a fortnight would end up in benefit sanctioned. This is what the DWP's FoI response was on this matter : "Turning specifically to whether or not it is a requirement to apply for “x” amount of jobs per week as part of the steps required in order to be considered as “Actively Seeking Work” I can confirm that there is no such requirement, if the claimant has taken all the steps to look for work that can be reasonably be expected to take in any week, then he has met the Actively Seeking Employment requirements” So not only was it not a sanction-able offense where benefit was stopped due to having to put up with the BS JCP staff try to force on you in order to meet K.P.I Targets, so that they are not out of work themselves, but they get the pleasure of dragging it out, because the DWP now say that due to a sudden increase in Tribunal Hearings, there is a backlog of benefit claimants wanting justice, so the extra step of (delay) is to now allow the same people who work within the same building, to "Reconsider" as to whether or not they should risk delaying the claimants journey to wanting nothing more then a Court hearing any longer based on what evidence I provide them with. This would now mean that you will either stick it out to the point in which you look like a Zombie, lost a home, have now managed to accrue a bad credit rating due to payments of JSA not being paid in on time to meet outgoing DD's, where £25 on each of the 2 were made payable. Many people fail to realize how much impact it has on a person other then the money that is physically taken from you, but to also screw your chances up of even applying for the smallest of items on credit, where a 100% clean record was ruined due to benefit suspension that look more then likely to be treated as a "Clerical Oversight" or "Misinformed JCP" staff, which is how DWP appear to be answering to anyone who is almost certainly going to win in a tribunal if they have the patience to take it that far. It only goes to show as to why books relating to Benefits & Claimants Rights are sold on sites like Amazon for up to and over £100 each!!!! Yet to see stock levels running out quickly in such places is quite disturbing to be honest. Especially when someone like Sainbury's are selling benefit related books with rights and laws that are 2 years out of date but still £20 a pop lol!! Seems to be a good business in trying to entice the unemployed into paying for information, even when it's out of date lol.
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