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Everything posted by palelady

  1. forced labour and you have to job search 10 hours as well as doing a 30 hours community service type placement,. fail to be a good slave, and it would mean you get a sanction. Basically they want to criminalize you not being able to find a job.
  2. my temp job is going ok, just looked at the universal job match, wow , they actually want you to say why you didnt apply to a job... and every job you just happen to look at. i created an account and no activation email has been sent and its been a week XD plus there are mostly just self employed and barely illegal jobs on there, rubbish. i withdrew my consent . The manager wrote back was fine about it. NEVER sign the data protection it will get you in trouble.
  3. no it s not against the law! they realy hate being recorded because they know you can gather very good evidence against them. Tell them if you are braking a law they need to let the police know =) . The only thing your doing is peein them off and they are getting out their bullying tactics.
  4. i know some get ex sales people to be advisers. customers on this thing are not products to be played about with. Yeh, i think its probably really stressful for them at times. i guess they probably get pressured intensely by there bosses.
  5. yay, I signed off and sent a letter to withdraw consent =) they still have my employer details tho , its only a temp contract so... could they make any payment out of it ? Also i m thinking about getting a case examiner from the DWP, since one of there advisers is absolutely shocking and i m worried about people.
  6. i m quite stressed out with my provider. i have seen the business manager and made a complaint about my adviser because he was verbally aggressive. I got a job thanks to MY hard work. and she seemed more interested in getting the name of the person who is my employer ( i am employed by a big firm they know the business address ) I am about to send letters to withdraw my consent, sending one to provider, one to subcontractor, one to DWP , one to JCP. I am going to sign off saying I do not want to claim JSA.would that be ok? How much money can they make out of me if it goes wrong? I do only have a temp job but it could be perminant if i work well,very stressed tho. :'(
  7. I m guessing you would have your money stopped unless you had a good reason not to do it like an illness. you could negotiate less hours if for example you are in a homelessness crisis or develop a condition mental health/well being /are a victim of bullying. There are docs about it on DWP website - http://www.dwp.gov.uk/supplying-dwp/what-we-buy/welfare-to-work-services/provider-guidance/community-action-programme.shtml
  8. yes at the end of 2 years , there would be a 'community benefit' , 'activity' that you would have to do. this is 30 hours with 10 hours job searching for 6 months. basically community service. . your 'bootsrap' provider is your new JC adviser and you have to do everything they say. you can look on 'consent me' website its worth knowing your rights and check DWP legislation on there site. You probably would still be with your provider at end 2 years, but signed up onto a different scheme, or going to a different company for a workfare thing, so its 2 weeks signing i d imagine. Not sure what will happen when universal credits come about next year, you would still get money but i bet less and it would come every 4 weeks in lump sum.
  9. i think he needs to appeal the decision, he needs to do it right now cos there is a time limit , ask for a form at JCP. WP are cruel, I was shouted at by an adviser for having my head down and didn't return to the building because i was shaking, i had emails saying i had to provide evidence from my doctor or i d get sanctioned. You need a good reason and, hangover isn't a valid reason. I think they can lift some of the sanction if he 'fully re-engages' with the program. And yeh he may not get the hardships,worth asking for a form at JC tho. Housing benefit is affected too ...How can someone get a job when they don't have an address ?
  10. same, i signed off without employment and it was a HUGE relief despite having no income! I attended my interviews not feeling like i m walking on egg shells, and got something . They certainly get you off your benefit either way.
  11. Thankyou =) what is DMA team? I have been told i must come in by my WP to do the signing off my job seekers....they are going to phone my JC to do it... i am mandated to go to their center by my provider in a few days, but i can do this myself anyway by handing in the green book?, i m er.. worried they will have a go at me for not doing it the way they say. i don't really fancy more threats from them anymore.
  12. would they get outcome payments if the customer signs off without any employment /income? D:
  13. yeh its mandatory. i signed off for a while since i couldn't cope with the way they treated me. i read you cannot get hardship payments if you get sanctioned and are on the WP. not sure if thats correct, its very harsh tho. She is belittling you , it is bullying really, the WP have there internal complaints, but the bosses nearly always side with the adviser. If you can get something to record secretly i d do that, i wished i record my adviser. a case examiner could fine them 5000 quid if they are continuing to do wrong. if you read the paper they sent you by the DWP it says ' you can expect to be treated politely, fairly and with consideration' hahahaahha!! very much...
  14. They get job outcome payments every 3 month they have you in employment. i think they get 400 quid each time. they must check you still work there and get confirmation from the employer. i think if you withdraw data consent they are not legally allowed to contact them. its money they do not deserve.
  15. I m on the work program. I actually signed off JSA because i couldn't cope with it. I ve seen my adviser shout at people on the phone, threaten to ' stop your money' not even say the address of the place your suppose to have an interview, then hang up. snatch paper out your hand aggressively. raise his voice at you if you make the slightest query about something. stare you down.use aggressive body language belittle , intimidate .i m really depressed and shy and don't argue back, its obvious they are going for some easy targets. rather do 40 hours per wk community service =)
  16. Hi, i have been with my provider since august . I was put with a intimidating adviser who snatched paper out my hand, put me on a course with 10 men no other females 2 have crimmy records for violence, raised his voice at me for having my head down, cancelled my review then raised his voice at me on the phone, sent me email saying he doubts my entitlement after i didnt return to the center because he scared me . felt sick signed off JSA. eventually had adviser changed... signed back on JSA. Got a temp job in a shop that could turn into a permanent position ( if i m good at it i m currently very depressed) new advisor wants to see me in a few days to sign me off JSA in the ' correct way' so i get paid quickly in Janurary. New advisor seems alright, clever very good at persuading. Not sure what to do. I don't want them to get a job outcome payment from me. They don't deserve it. I ve felt like nothing since i ve been there. should i get out of seeing my advisor? do u think they are just being nice to me now so they can get job outcome =)
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