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Everything posted by Artemis29

  1. You need to make a complaint to the loss adjusters through their formal complaints procedure and if no joy after going through each stage of the complaints procedure, go to FOS. I had a very similar situation and it had to go to FOS and my complaint was upheld and the money was paid for the damage once the FOS got involved. Good luck! Who are the loss adjusters?
  2. Hello, I may be able to help a bit. I used to own a shared ownership flat and recognise the experiences you describe. This is the first time I have posted a response, so please forgive me if I make a mistake in the posting process. If you are a long leaseholder ie 99 or 125 yrs then the landlord and Tenant Act 1985 and the Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act apply. In terms of major works of over £250 the landlord/freeholder has to serve on the leaseholder a valid 's20 notice' informing you of your rights in relation to the works, allowing you to inspect 3 quotes and allowing you to make representations. This gives you 28 days in which to do so. It sounds like this has not happened here, in which case if they go ahead with the work you are not liable to pay for it. Google the Leasehold Advisory Service website - they have a section detailing detailing the s20 procedures and you can also contact them for advice - they are a free service. (I can't post the link direct, as this is my first posting). They should also be able to help with your other issues. I hope this helps. Best of luck. Artemis.
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