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Everything posted by cardigan1

  1. I've spoken to the union & have informed my employers that I am willing to attend a face to face meeting but not a phone inteview. As I'm not being accompanied (company policy)as the investigation in not mine. can anyone inform me more about what I can expect :whether I have to answer all questions & what the outcome of this could be. Thanks once more for your help.
  2. That's what I think too. It's easy to draw the wrong conclusions based on tone of voice etc. I've left a meesage for the union to contact me urgently so I'll wait & see what they see. hopefully they will say the same as you. Thanks Ibruk
  3. Have you got a copy of your enrolment for the HND & the terms & conditions of enrolment. If so check to see if ther is anything in them about you being responsible for payment of fees if employer defaults.
  4. My employer has asked me if they can hold the interview over the phone.I've been unable to contact my union does anyone have any advice pleas, as I am unhappy about the way this appears to be going.Are they within their rights to do this? Thanks
  5. No Idea. The union has tried to contact them to confirm this but as yet they've not responded. I had to attend a similar meeting last year for a collegue & wasn't allowed to be accompanied then & the union wouldn't become involved as it (the investigation) wasn't mine Obviously that was a different situation as I wasn't suspended then. My employer assured me that what I said wouldn't affect my investigation but I'm not sure , so I'm waiting to get the union's view before I confirm attendance.
  6. Hould also say that I have informed union who will contact Hr on my behalf. Evidently some firms do state this ( not being accompanied) in disciplinary procedures but I can't find it in the copy I've got
  7. According to ehat they told me it is meeting with HR & the person who interviewed me.They wouldn't say who the person was only that they were associated with my investigation & they(the person being investigated) wouldn't be present.
  8. Had my investigatory interview . I've now been asked to attend another meeting as a witness for someone else's investigation. I've been told I can't take anyone with me. Could some one please advise on the ways these are conducted ,what I may be asked & whether I have to answerall the questions etc as I can't find anything in the disciplinary policy that covers this. Thanks
  9. No I've heard nothing from them apart to invite me to this investigation meeting. i've not been informed what the allegation is let alone any evidence, although I have some idea what it could be.Problem is if it this the incident happened last summer & so events are hazy!!
  10. i have the investigatory meeting this week. I just needed to know the format. I've also founf that the policy that I'm being charged under has passed it's review, but it may well have been updated recently. As I can't access work systems to check, should I presume that they'll use the policy I've got rather than any new one?
  11. Will they tell me the outcome there & then or will I have to wait..Still don't know what I'm accused of !! Thanks Ibruk
  12. Hi My investigation meeting is later on this week. aia wonder if anyone could give me any idea of the procedure for this..ie what I should expect as I've no idea. Thanks
  13. Sounds like a case of numbers/money rather than anything else. Remember colleges also get paid for achievement so this is probably the reason that other things were studied beforehand. Sorts the wheat from the chaff if you see what I mean. Lack of space is probably the last reason.... As I said before tell her to re-enrol preferably as soon as she can & don't worry about being accepted. Remember she is gold-dust to the college, they deffo won't want to lose her!! Good luck with her operation.
  14. I heard today that I've finally got a date for my meeting - 3 weeks time!! I'm going to be taking a union rep with me.I'm still considering raising a grievance against them but am unsure whether I should wait until after the meeting. Can any one advise please. Also I'm unsure about the procedure too. Many Thanks
  15. At the moment 16-18 year olds are like gold dust to colleges due to the amount of money they bring in, so I think that it is highly unlikely they won't let her enrol. I know from experience that students are reguarly re enrolled when they've said that they're not coming back or have other plans, just to keep numbers up! Also student are enrolled even if they won't come in for a number of weeks for reasons such as illness, holidays etc. What may happen is that all the students will be re-enrolled automatically near the end of course with the assumption they will come back in September. She really needs to get hold of the colleges terms & conditions that she should've received when she enrolled & have read through to see what they say regarding absence. If they are already enrolling for next year grab a copy of that. Try and get a paper enrolment form if she can as that should have everything on it. In the meantime tell her not to panic as it's early days & things will probably change nearer September when numbers are down. She should also look around to see if she could study the course elsewhere a sixth form or another college for example .A place elsewhere can cause wonders come September!!
  16. Under what grounds do you think thi & how would I go about it?
  17. Thanks ibruk. To be honest they way this has been handled I feel that they should do the running rather than me!! Yes I am still being paid so if that's what they want then so be it
  18. It's now been four weeks since I was suspended & have heard nothing from my employer no phone call no letter. I've not even been called to any meetings! Are they allowed to string it out like this or are there time limits when they have to do things by.
  19. Hi How old will your friend's daughter be on 1st Sept & is she attending a college in England ?
  20. Was just wondering how you got on yesterday. Hope you went & told your side of they story. Let us know please.
  21. Hi Katharine I've just read your comments on another thread. You should really go to the hearing tomorrow, if only to put your side across. I've still not heard anything about mine.So let me know how you get on & Good Luck with what you decide.Don't let them get you down:-)
  22. I would send them a letter . When I worked for them 20 odd years ago a telephone call would suffice, but now you just get put through to a call centre. Send it registered post or if the tax office is local hand it in personally & ask for a receipt. If you can track it them you can prove you hannded it in. HRMC is covered by th Official Secrets Act so they are bound by law to keep info confidential. In my day we also had a duty to pass these sort of letters on to Investigations Unit within 14 days. Not sure if this still stands. When you write you letter send copies(not originals) of your payslips & mention that your NI hasn't been paid either, attach a copyof the letter/document from the Ni Dept too. If you don't hear anything after 2 weeks give them a ring to chase it up. Hope this helps
  23. They've just started doing this where I work. We have to make the time up & we can't use any hours that we've already accrued. It appears to be employers taking advantage of workers fear of losing their job. But when you're already working in a hospital...that's jus (excuse the pun) sick
  24. Try contacting the PCS Public & Communication . It represents call centres & general workers. Evn though you're no a member they may give you some adice & can also tell you the correct union if they aren't. Istarted to trawl the internet last week & had to stop as it seemed to put me more on edge. So perhaps it would be best if you stopped & just kept checking on here
  25. So Becky am I riight in thinking that if myself & the other collegue have been suspended for what I think it could be ( still don't know as not had meeting),then as the other person involved & who's fault it was is still working then I/we could have a claim against the college for conducting an unfair investigation?
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