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Everything posted by kay12

  1. thanks for advice rang jobcentre today his last payment of jsa goes in bank monday they no sign of job grant yet like on the system
  2. hi there wonder if anyone can help my partner signed off from jsa on friday by phone via the jobcentre they said he would get paid some jsa payment and 250 job grant but we have not recieve any payment yet does anyone know when we should receive it just he working away and needs some funds to live until his first wage any help appreciate it
  3. kay12

    p800 help

    hi there need advice for my dad he recieved a p800 last week dated 8th of may and it says that he has over paid for each tax year there is at least 4 tax years we worked it with the same codes att he bottom he his due altogether just over £10,000 he recieved a cheque on the 19th may which was for 2,500 and it is correct for that tax year as we have checked with the p800 calculation but in the notes it says that he will recieve and i have searched online also and it says that it will be in one check what happens to the £8000 or do we wait abit longer with it been a large amount
  4. kay12

    tax credits help

    ok thankyou very much ErikaPNP
  5. kay12

    tax credits help

    how do i remove posts i will just wait i may be panicking for no reason
  6. kay12

    tax credits help

    his earnings estimate for that year april 2011 till april 2012 was 4032 and his actuall earnings from april till november when he finished work were 3032 and we phoned up as soon as he left work the same day
  7. kay12

    tax credits help

    can any one help me at all:?:
  8. hi fezzy we had a compliance letter few weeks ago as we were grassed on for my partner working but he wasnt they are nice and the do ask for info like that i know it stressful they will just ask you what your circumstances are and if they are the same as when u claimed
  9. kay12

    tax credits help

    HELLO i am panicking over tax credits as i do ever time i renew on the 27 th april i renewed my tax credits over the phone they wanted to know my partners work earnings from april 2011 till november 2011 as my partner lost his job is earnings of course were lower than we estimated as he only worked 8 months instead of 12 and we are now on jsa income based so we dont have to inform them of that income ,the lady was nice on the phone and she said dont phone no earlier that the 24th of may if you dont recieve a award notice IM worried we live on this money dont know if we will owe money or get more back or how long it usaul takes please give me some advice
  10. kay12

    tax credits help

    hi to all need some advice dont know if im worrying unnecessarily but i renewed my tax credits over the phone on the 24th april will i still get the same payments until it goes through also our income was less than estimated any idea think they going to reduced our payments said i have to phone not before the 24th of may if we dont recieve award notices
  11. well update is i recieved the comformation bad news is the mortgage company hasnt the cant set anything up for me yet about further payments but on the plus side they have suspended payments reequested a little amount for febs payment and we to stay in contact every week till sorted so we dont get in to trouble with mortgage they cant believe how long we been struggling for and suprised we payed the payments we have
  12. nothing yet mikey they mortgage company getting confused so they said wait for the comformation to be sent will try later on today
  13. thanks for your help mikey i have been past meself im going to give till friday and phone my mortgage company up to see if they ricieved there conformation hopefully they will have so we can set up some sort of payment thankyou again
  14. 27th of january is when mortgage section told me i qualify and told me how much we will recieve they said the sent confirmation that day second class one to me then one to my mortgage company
  15. well im still waiting to get written comformation that we qualify so i can talk to the lender about payments arghh this annoys me
  16. my mortgage company or just the lady i was talking too on the phone had no clue that dwp paid it four weekly i hope i get an up to date with knowledge when i phone bk going to give them till next friday which will be the 3rd gives them enough time to get letters from dwp on to system got everything crossed on this
  17. i will give meself to weekend to calm down and chill out never ever thought this would happen but god im goner to sort myself out ans get some security or somet behind us i dont know how i have coped honest this goverment cant see what they are actually doing to families if they cap benefits like they said
  18. thanks mikey for your help i cannot fault jsa section they were quick they had it got proccesed with in 15 minutes will work on my mortgage company next week sometime different people there say different things so hopefully on the day i will get a good on hopefully i got a few weeks to sort them out cos next mortgage payment isnt due till the 30th of feb so i got time to fight them
  19. well a little update phoned them today they have recieved it and processed it so pleased not covering it all but 80% they are but now having trouble with mortgage place has they saying still have to pay end of febuarys which they know i cant afford argghhhh when is this nightmare going to be over
  20. thanks mikey so put my mind at ease we have money to pay end of january mortgage payment and if everything goes through ok we shouldnt have to pay anything for mortgage payment in febuary then, me and my partner are at breaking point im driving him mad
  21. hi fred i m quitiing to first week in and i gotta say honestly i am so struggling it is unbeliavable how are u doing its the morning cigerette that is really bothering me
  22. :???:hi to all im having a problem like most people are at this time of year in novemeber 2011 my partner lost his job we lost working tax credits but now recieve jsa(ib) we were told we could apply for help with mortgage costs in 13 weeks of claiming our form is now on its way to jobcentre head section we spoke to the mortgage section today even though we qualify on the 9 th of feb we wont get a payment till the 9th of march but will it be back dated till febuary so it will cover febuarys mortgage does anyone have any idea, oh and they still havent seen the form and my mortgage lender sent 9 days ago how long does it take to processs please help and even dont know if we will get it after all this
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