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Everything posted by mandyjay

  1. Hi thankyou for getting back to me so quick. Yes I owe this money to my littlewoods but i had told them about my difficulties and they seemed alright waiting for a few weeks for me to catch up with my payments and then i get this letter saying they want the money.. so how do i pay them, I don't have a bank card so i used to use the payment slips at the bottom of my statements every month... Will they come and take my stuff if i cant pay straight away.. Mandy
  2. Hi I wonder if anyone can advise me asap. Iv just received a letter from Lowell portfolio 1 ltd, Enterprise house, 1 apex view, Leeds, Ls11 9bh saying We hereby give notice of the assignment of the dept due to us from you in respect of the balance of £131.95 outstanding on your shop direct finance company ( previously known as Littlewoods finance company) Retail brand account. On 04/03/2011 your account was legally assigned to Lowell Portfolio 1 ltd and as such any further communications and payments regarding the above account must now be addressed to.... The address i gave above. My question is what do i do next im worried because iv got no money at the moment because of my disability benefit being stopped im living on my family tax credit until the problem is sorted out which will be next week after the CAB have spoke to the benefit people. Im a single mum with bad health and one of my son's has M.E and all this worry is making me feel so ill... Please someone help me... Thanks Mandy
  3. The trouble is Iv been told by not only my G.P and my back and other specialists that im unfit for work I was also told by someone who worked for the Jobcentre that there's no job I could do without putting me in hospital by the end of the day ... So Im stuck waiting to hear from my G.P to find out what I can do next but while I wait I have no money and no food and can't pay bills so phone been cut off now.
  4. Hiya I just wanted to say I really hope you win at the tribunal good luck... because Iv just failed my tribunal and was just told I can't claim jobseekers allowence because i cant work and I need to re- apply for ESA I could scream because they stopped my ESA last week and now say its ok to claim it. I feel Like they have done this so they don't have to pay my backdated money .. I hope you get someone who is really understanding and understands your illness I think that was my problem the man didn't understand my illness. good luck Mandy
  5. Thankyou to everyone was has took the time to reply to my messages. Today i wrote a letter to my G.P letting her know of whats happening and how without any sick notes im without money because they wont let me claim job seekers allowence and its making me more ill and stressed out and depressed being treated like this.. Its up to her now , what she will do im unsure but she is a great doctor and has helped alot so im keeping my fingers crossed.. Im still waiting my tribunal appeal letters letting me know why i failed in the first place and im also waiting for my new ESA forms. As soon as i get them all im off to the CAB there going to help me as much as they can. I think its terrible that people who are suffering and can't work but would love to are treated like criminals Iv worked since i was 14 yrs old and its only since iv been ill iv not been able to and i hate it but Im unable to work or find anyone who would employee me with all my medical problems. Im worried for my children and paying bills with no money. my family are brilliant and help when they can but my mum and dad are retired so don't have alot themselves.. Anyway thanks again Mandy ...
  6. Hi my son went into hospital by ambulance and he was on gas and air up until they sent him for an xray then move him into another room , I asked every half hour for some pain meds there was two different nurses and 3 doctors they all kept saying in a minute but it never happened. One nurse i asked for some pain medication said to me yes i'll just get it then she went on her break without getting anything. My son was crying in pain he was also being sick and couldn't move without extreme pain. The hospital have said they didn't treat him properly and misdiagnoised him and gave him medication that he was allergic to. My main reason to take things further is so this doesn't happen again to anyone else. Thanks for the reply Mandy.
  7. Thanks for replying, My son was discharged from the first hospital with no crutches he had to hop to the car in pain, the only pain tablets he was given were the ones he is allergic to so he could only have paracetamol all night. I wrote the the hospital not pal with my complaint and they wrote back saying they hadn't treated my son with the proper care and was given the wrong diagnosis also that the nusing staff knew about his allergy but still gave out those tablets. I was wondering because they wrote to me stating they were in the wrong could i get commpensation and if i can how do i go about doing this.. thanks again mandy.
  8. Hi thankyou to everyone who has replyed to my post. When i went to my Tribunal appeal i took letters from my g.p they also had notes from all my specialists they had details of my operations and the treatment i was having from the pain clinic. I have wrote to the Tribunal asking for the reasons why i failed iv got the help of the CAB now and there going to help as much as they can. The Employment and support allowence office said they will send me the new forms out i just need to get a sick note from my g.p, the problem is my g.p doesn't feel she can give me anymore sick notes due to the fact she has supplyed me with them every month for the last year and no one beleived what she was saying that i was unfit for work she thinks the best thing to do is go onto jobseekers allowence to prove to the benifits people they can't find a job for me to do because of my health but the jobseekers department wont let me claim it because im not activly looking for a job .. I feel like im going round in circles and this is making feel so ill Iv not had any money since last week so not eaten much for days Im happier to know my kids are eating and are ok. Im really worried about what will happen and what to do next . Im going to see the CAB tomorrow again to ask what i can do next. Also i need to talk to my g.p to ask her what she can do. Its a real mess and its making me feel worse and in more pain than i usally do.. Is there a way i can claim ESA without getting a sick note? Thanks again Mandy
  9. Hello just wanted some advice really.. My son hurt his knee/leg badly doing judo we phoned an ambulance was taken to hospital this was 10pm he was sent for some xrays but at 3am still hadn't had any pain releif or a doctor to look at him. I asked for someone to look at my son lots of times but the doctors were standing around talking there was only 5 other people there waiting to see a doctor but my son was the only one who had come by ambulance. We finally had a doctor take a few seconds to look at his xrays to tell us he had a sprained knee I wasn't so sure so i asked for a second opinion the doctor didn't like this and was very rude to myself and my mother who had come with us. The second doctor said the same without even looking at xrays. I took my son out of that hospital with him in severe pain and pain releif tablets that he was allergic to ( the nurse wrote it down but they still managed to give the wrong ones) The next day i took my son to another hosppital where he was rushed into an emergancy MRI scan and within 2 hours he was in a full leg cast he had dislocated his knee cap, displaced his tibia and snapped some ligaments..he was in plaster for 6 weeks then he needed two needles put into his knee to drain all the fluid that was still in there and months and months of physio. I wrote to the hospital telling them what had happened and they wrote saying it was all there fault .. so can i take them to court to get commpensation for my son.? If i hadn't taken him to the other hospital they said he wouldn't of walked properly ever again and he would never be able to do sports again.. My son was an olympic hopefull but now unable to due to his knee re- dislocating if he falls or bangs it.. Any advice would be great thanks mandy.
  10. I went to a tribunal appeal on 04/03/2011 i got the letter 4 days later turning me down saying im fit for work. I suffer from Fibromyalgia, slipped disc of the lower back which has got osteoarthritus in it, asthma, thyroid problems, palpertations, depression and anxiety. Im on morphine everyday aswell as loads of other stuff I can't bend down , kneel, down , carry anything, lift anything I also can't sit or stand for longer than half an hour at a time.. I find it completely puzzeling as to why I wasn't awarded it at the Tribunal I even had a letter from my G.P who has known me for more than 10yrs saying I was not fit for work but they still ignored it and every bit of evidence i took with me. Thankyou for your help.. Mandy
  11. Hello my name is Mandy Im new to this site I joined today in the hope someone can help me. I have been claiming ESA for a year while i went for my medical which they said I was fit for work so I appealed but Iv just been turned down for that aswell. So I rang up to get Jobseekers Allowence to be told I can't claim it due to the fact I wont be activly looking for work because there's no job I can do with my health so now I have to re claim ESA.. The lady on the phone said I will be turned down again because Its the same illness as before but as I tried to tell her my illness is an ongoing problem that will not get better. Please someone help me im so worried and confused i don't know what to do next... Mandy
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