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Everything posted by wishface

  1. What are the rules regarding qualification for Hardship payments in lieu of a JSA sanction?
  2. My god, that's a death sentence surely!
  3. I havejust had my first proper signing session following the start of my claim on the 3r (the interview was on the 4th). In the process of verifying my bank details it turns out that i won't get paid for the first 3 days of my claim. I was told this is standard practise now (since when I don't know). Is this right? That's a significant sum of money to arbitrarily deny someone for no apparent reason. The letter i got at the start of the week telling me my claim has been processed and that I can receive JSA makes no mention of this either. This can't be right, surely?
  4. I spoke to the CAB who rang the bank during the appointment and got precisely nowhere. The bank refuse to do anything. I have dealt with the CCCS before they weren't much help.
  5. Can I please have answer, this is a very serious situation!
  6. Is there noone here that can answer this quesiton please. It's a very serious matter!
  7. I'd appreciate some advice please.
  8. My statement came through yesterday and with it information about the changes to overdrafticon charges starting on the 16th of March (apparently). These charges will amount to £7 a month for me, as I have an authorised overdraft of £200 i'm never fully out of. I have tried, over the past many many months, to close this account down. But because I'm overdrawn they refuse to listen. I understand that i have to pay what I owe in respect of that overdraft and I've offered to pay the £3 I normally pay in interest (I certainly can't afford any more) and just close the account down, but they would rather not listen. All I'm doing is just treading water and moving what money I have from my other account to this one. Even that's difficult because there's no branches of the bank near me and they refuse to use the post office for my account (and we have no ATM's either). I can't afford to pay what these new charges will cost me and I need to deal with this in advance. What can I do to get them to close this account and just accept my token payment?
  9. My statement came through yesterday and with it information about the changes to overdraft charges starting on the 16th of March (apparently). These charges will amount to £7 a month for me, as I have an authorised overdraft of £200 i'm never fully out of. I have tried, over the past many many months, to close this account down. But because I'm overdrawn they refuse to listen. I understand that i have to pay what I owe in respect of that overdraft and I've offered to pay the £3 I normally pay in interest (I certainly can't afford any more) and just close the account down, but they would rather not listen. All I'm doing is just treading water and moving what money I have from my other account to this one. Even that's difficult because there's no branches of the bank near me and they refuse to use the post office for my account (and we have no ATM's either). I can't afford to pay what these new charges will cost me and I need to deal with this in advance. What can I do to get them to close this account and just accept my token payment?
  10. I live near two jobcentres (though not near enough to not have to use a bus). One has a slightly better bus service but is rough as hell. I'm going to need to sign on in the other; I'm not going to somehwere I don't feel safe. When I last had to claim JSA i was constantly booked in at times that weren't compatible with the bus schedule and was told that either I had to make do (which means sitting in town with nowhere to go for an hour or more) or go sign on elsehwere. This time I'm not going to put up with that nonsense, but what are my rights? Can I insist on a time that is compatible with public transport that I have to rely on, or can they insist I go somewhere else? Thanks.
  11. I don't think the point is about criticisng the idea, rather that we shouldn't have to be handing out food vouchers. THe idea that people should be going hungry in Britain in 2011 is a disgrace. The idea that people should be starved into submission by state sanctions and penalties is shameful.
  12. If i had to rely on a crisis loan i'd be screwed since i'd have to pay to pick up the cheque. The jobcentre is nowhere near me and there is no provision to pay money direct to bank accounts. Scandalous. But yes, it is a disgrace that some are havign to rely on food parcels because this sickening capitalist system has yet to be fully dismantled.
  13. Are these benefit laws online? Of course i question what I read on the net, including stuff i find through googling. I'm sorry if that offends you but it seems irresponsible to do otherwise.
  14. I don't have any links. There's no need to get defensive though. It makes perfect sense to verify the accuracy of advice, especially if it's financial. DWP may have changed since you worked for them.
  15. Well, no one likes to be doubted or questioned. But how can you be so sure? Everything i've found on google would suggest otherwise.
  16. I need to know if the DWP can legimitately ask for me to repay a week's worth of ESA having stopped my claim on the 14th (as far as I can tell) but i've been paid up to the 21st (which is the normal payment date). They haven't written to tell me this, only to tell me about the tax status and send a p45. The payment would have gone through on tuesday which, presumably, is before they were notifed to close the claim down (following a tribunal decision regarding my appeal, which failed). I don't really know where I stand. Thanks.
  17. New question: Just received a tax document from the ESA people as per no longer being on ESA which lists the date the claim ends (afaict) as the 14/1 (last friday). I've heard nothing regarding the actual cessation of the benefit even though I rang them on monday. My benefit has been paid up to today (which is, or would have been, the correct day) as the payment was issued on tuesday/wednesday to go into the bank in time. Obviously the payment went through before the ESA people were told to stop paying me. My question is: can they ask for the money from the 15-21st back given that i've already been paid (and would quite like to keep it as I'm going to need it). What can I do?
  18. Well it's too late now. Make a mistake in this system and you'll pay dearly. There are no second chances.
  19. Thanks for the replies. I've just spoken to the tribunal people (well, their call centre operators) and they say too late. I could have asked to attend, changing my mind. But given that the decision was made with no warning it's too late. I was initially told that would happen in March. I was told the office dealing with it was Cardiff (it was Bristol). I wasn't comfortable attending and getting to cardiff was out of the question. Bristol is another matter. This all seems unfair to me. The CAB are going to get back in touch with me. It's hard getting hold of them because i don't live anywhere near a branch out in the sticks.
  20. In another discussion you mentioned it takes a couple of weeks to close the claim down. What exactly happens? All i have is a letter saying that the tribunal upholds the original decision and that i'm not entitled to esa from october (hence the debt concern - I don' thave 800 quid to spare, or at all!), there's no mention of what happens now. The letter is dated yesterday so I'm assuming money will cease from yesterday then. Is that not the case? I haven't heard anything from the ESA peopel themselves. It's impossible to plan financially and make any kind of decision long term on ESA; the amount you get is so little and the constant threat of decisions that can stop your benefit (medicals and appeals etc) that can be made anytime are just ridiculous. How anyone can think this is the easy life, I don't know.
  21. I chose not to attend the hearing. I don't know what the processes are or how that affects things, but it doesn't give me much room to do anything.
  22. How could i have tried that though, they just changed their time without me knowing - and I'm sure they'd argue that they aren't there to do me any favours.
  23. I had hoped to get an appointment with the CMHT to get some evidence (hopefuly) to send to the tribunal to back up my case. But i'm still waiting for that to happen. I thought i'd have time before March, but they've moved the appointment forward (obviously not quite as busy as they led me to believe i guess) out of the blue and now i can't do anything to prove my case. That seems a bit underhand to me. Thanks anyway.
  24. I had considered changing my mind and deciding to attend. But since that tribunal got moved two months forward that's too late. When i sent off the tribunal paperwork i was deeply uncomfortable with the idea of attending.
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