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  1. Hi Janiswhyme2, easy to say but please dont worry about this situation,ive been there and am indeed still there. I,m 5 years into a battle with 1st credit and intend to see it through. I alledgedy owe a utilities company £1200 from 2006,but disputed this immediately. Within 6/7 weeks of disputing this they sold the alledged debt to 1stcredit whom have badgered me ever since. They have provided no proof of the debt whatsoever and resorted to threats from LCS,connaught collections and more recently judge and priestly solicitors, all these firms I believe are in some way connected to 1stcredit. As someone said further up next time they contact you simply provide them with a "prove it" letter and then sit back and dont worry anymore about them. Their tactic seems to be constant harrassment for 3 to 4 weeks then nothing for 12 months. Under no circumstances should you talk to them on the phone and never apply your signature to any written correspondence. I myself am lucky because I have proof that i do not owe this alledged debt but perhaps somewhat sadistically have entered their little game to see what they come up with. I know its very difficult trying to keep this from your partner but believe me they,re not worth losing sleep over. Good Luck
  2. lol,fortunately I did not pay them.I had little chance to,within 6 to 7 weeks of me disputing the debt and offering a repayment plan they had sold the debt to 1st credit.It was this shoddy manner which they acted which prompted me to dig my heels in and put up a fight.Perhaps i should be grateful to them in the long run for being so premature in offloading this debt.After all I was more than willing to repay this (begrudgingly may I add),so consequently I have saved £1200 and pitted myself against the morons at 1st credit which has been umm interesting but fun.
  3. LOL and ive just seen your a UW employee,well theres a shock
  4. For your information I paid UW every invoice i ever received in full and on time,only to be informed after 12months that i had been underpaying my D/D.My cold calling agent even took my previous suppliers bills away to pass on to the relavent dept to study, to work out my D/D.Now considering I was paying only £12 per month more with my previous suppliers and always in credit after my bill was paid I fail to see how UW could return to me after 12months and inform me i was in arrears totalling 1200 quid,yes I do agree that on 2 occasions i was late in submitting my meter readings due to the fact I was abroad but this does still not equate.I entered negotiations with UW to pay these arrears in jan 2006.I submitted a payment plan to reduce the alledged debt only to be informed by 1st credit in March 2006 that they were now the new owners of the debt.So tell me,do you still think I was wrong to take the stance that I did and take on these people.Too many peoples lives are ruined by these DCA,s and their threatening manner.I for one will not bow down to their bullyboy tactics and think the way I was treated by UW was an utter disgrace.Maybe you dont agree with my actions but thats your perogative but dont judge me by stating that I was avoiding a debt when clearly by submitting a payment plan to the original creditors I clearly wasnt
  5. [deleted] we do not condone debt avoidance on cag dx siteteam
  6. Pay 1stcredit nothing,challenge them to provide Notice Of Assignment and any documentation they hold.They are bullies and very rarely provide the requested docs.Admit to nothing and certainly do not pay them a penny.I have been disputing a so called debt with them now for 5 years and not once have they provided the correct documents
  7. Hi Devonlover,sorry to hear about your problems with UW but your not alone.My advice would be to go onto Uswitch and find the best plan for you and get your new supplier to to tackle your UW issues
  8. [Hi Shropshire,how are you.I,m glad UW seems to work for you,as I have said before I,m sure it does have many benefits for a lot of people.You mention that you have been with UW for just under 12 months which is interesting I sincerely hope your agent advised you correctly and you didnt sign up for the budget plan,otherwise ay tour annual review you could be in for a nasty surprise.I was advised by my agent that due to my relatively low consumption that a buget plan would be "best" for me,unfortunately due to being badly advised after 12months I was hit with a bill for £1200 that BTW i,m still disputing with first credit I do not work for UW in anyway what so ever. I have been a customer with them for just under 12 months now. I have BBand and Electric with them. BBand is excellent value and an excellent service. Electric is a little more expensive than the supplier I was with before. However, I use the UW cashback card every week for buying my shopping, petrol, i use it at Boots, Homebase, and during the build up to Xmas I used it at Argos for all the kids presents. My bill in Jan had a discount of £53.77. My bill with UW was so low they have ended up giving me £7.14 bank in my bank account. FREE BBand and FREE Electric plus £7.14 given back to me.........[problem].......I think not. I think some of you folk need to get out a little more and enjoy life. Well done UW and heres to my next bill !!!!!
  9. Hey BB although ive never spoken to you directly,your posts certainly gave me the inspiration to fight the cause, and for that I cannot thank you enough.Now do me a favour gal,GET WELL SOON so I can thank you in person ;-) xxxx
  10. Hi shining light, Sorry I didnt realise you were a UW agent when I logged in.Could you explain something for me (maybe me being a bit thick i dont know) anyway here goes. When I signed up to UW the agent ,who incidentally i became quite friendly with and who often used to pop in when passing took away my previous suppliers bills to compare with UW tariff I guess?He then came back to me and said he could cut my D/D,s buy 5 and 7 a month for gas and leccy,and recommended a budget plan,for what reason I dont know? Taking into consideration that with my previous suppliers I was often in credit after 12 months,then how could UW claim in my annual review that I had used far more energy than they had expected and was now in debt to the tune of £1200.Surely after studying my previous invoices they could see my usage and therefore I was wrongly advised by the agent?OK I do admit that maybe I was sending in my meter readings at the wrong time,but I was never advised to send them in last day of the month like you suggest. I immediately disputed this debt and asked for written details yet the next correspondence I received was from First Credit,a debt recovery agency working on behalf of UW. I am sure as you said earlier that UW does work for a lot of people,but I just think that I was wrongly advised and am now left quite bitter about the whole episode. Hope ypu can shed some light on this for me NAIRYHUTS
  11. Hi all, Just to clarify I was on a budget plan because this was recommended as best for me by the highly trained agent.As I worked away at the time I very rarely if at all saw the bills sent and just paid the D/D accordingly.I took out the complete package with UW so my bills varied from month to month,generally between £120 to £150 a month which was actually a saving of about £20 a month from the previous various suppliers. My argument is that unless unbeknown to me I was powering half the town where I live,how come my £20 a month saving for phone,broadband,gas and electric turned into a debt of £1200 for just gas and electric?Incidentally Spacebeagle how come if for 6 years at your previous address things were so good why are you no longer with them?Or have you too finally seen the light?;-)
  12. Hello all, Just thought I would add my two penneth to the great UW debate.What an absolute disgraceful outfit they are.I signed up to UW after a home visit from one of their agents who promised the world.He took away my previous suppliers invoices to see if UW would be able to compare or better my current agreement.After 2/3weeks he returned proclaiming that I had been paying well over the odds with my previous supplier and they UW could offer me a substantial annual saving.Regardless to say I signed on the dotted line,BIG MISTAKE. Everything seemed to be going fine and to be fair I was happy although a little concerned that my meter readings seemed to be getting ignored in favour of their estimated usage.BANG!!! Twelve months after signing with them I receive my annual review. Due to my using more energy than they expected I was now in debt of £1200 pounds and therefore my new monthly D/D would have to be increased,they weren,t kidding,from paying £70 per month for gas and electric they now wanted a new payment of £260 per month.How could a supposed reputable company like this let this happen especially after they had taken time to study my previous bills and were well aware of my usage.I provided them with regular meter readings yet these were disregarded,I was visited by their agent on a monthly basis yet still I was not forewarned of my alledged D/D payment shortfall. It has now been 4 years since I disputed this debt and now fending off their debt collectors. As far as I am concerned UW can sing for their money as I truly beleive that it was their incompetence and bad account management that led to this issue. Sorry that was a bit long winded but when I start about UW I get angrier and angrier. You have been warned steer well clear.No doubt someone will reply to this stating how glorious UW are but I find they are usually UW employees.
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