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Everything posted by WelshMam2009

  1. Have they provided photographic evidence so that you can see who's driving?? If the buyer has sold it on then didn't he also advise DVLA of the details?? For the sake of 75p it's well worth sending these details by recorded mail...no help to you now I appreciate!!
  2. Not too sure about Sainsbury's but I would certainly be complaining to the Post Office also Landy, if only for all the hassle and inconvenience it has caused. Someone has clearly intercepted this mail and it needs to be followed through.
  3. Yes, National Debtline will be able to help with you with your budget sheet. You may need to be patient when trying to get through. Prescriptions...whatever it costs really. You'll just have to do a best guesstimate as to how many inhalers you use a year. I'm honestly not too sure what to advise as regards the loans to family and you will probably be best asking National Debtline. They tend not to like the issue of not paying your debts due to an invalid CCA so I wouldn't raise that with them. Did you send off for yours at all?? Best of luck!!
  4. Thanks for your pm IDS...I've not been around for a while...sorry!! Did you look at the budget sheet I referred you to? When you work out your budget you only include your priority outgoings which will exclude any credit payments whether it be to banks or your ex Father-in-Law and family!! Whatever surplus is left you then divide by your creditors on a pro-rata basis to the amount outstanding. Car tax and servicing you work out on an annual basis and divide by 12 along with your insurance and monthly fuel costs. You really need to follow the National Debline advice on this regarding what is considered acceptable expenditure for food and housekeeping etc. You should also allow some element for emergencies and also there is nothing in there for prescriptions (free in Wales I know!! ) and dentist although I see £10 for SpecSavers which is a little confusing!! What is payment to OD?? What about your council tax...is that included in your rent? You need to check your Virgin Media payment against the standard BT monthly line rental as this is normally all you will be allowed to include. Please read the National Debtline guidance I referred you to as this is all explained in great detail in there. Best of luck!!
  5. To be honest Diddy...that's exactly the approach I took....collected at least 6 defaults that I know of and possibly more that DCA's may have added without me knowing. In my case I'm not looking for a mortgage and never want to borrow any money ever again. However, I guess the position may not be as simple for others, especially if they work in a profession where an adverse credit history may prevent them for occupying their posts and/or wish to move up/on the property ladder. Forgot to add that it actually gave me great pleasure telling a Citi Rep that I wasn't at all bothered by the prospect of a default!!
  6. Was your letter headed "Without Prejudice" ???
  7. The very fact that Rankine was used as an authority says it all really!!
  8. Never had any faith in ICO in the first place...this just re-affirms it!!
  9. Think it must be the case I highlighted earlier in post 665. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/legal-issues/198059-unenforceability-cases-hold-until-34.html#post2453241 In which case it's not Mr Justice Andrew Smith! Although he may be hearing one of the other test cases.
  10. You really need to be careful if you're financially linked in this way. Try this budget sheet from National Debtline. National Debtline England & Wales | Personal Budget Sheet
  11. Lets all wait and see what Citi's "specialist" team manage to pull out of the hat eh??!!
  12. Agreed. It breaches the forum rules as regards "community spirit" and I'm rather surprised the Mods are allowing it to continue unchallenged!! Oh, and just to confirm to Ida that "WHO IS" information is in the public domain.
  13. You need to start your own thread MonkeyGirlInDebt and then you'll get all the advice you need!!
  14. Strange that he/she only joined today don't you think??
  15. Celiethecat...first post eh?? Your real name's not ...... is it?? The law is clear and if you take a look at the quality of the workmanship above it is anything but designer!!
  16. Clearly she doesn't understand her legal (if not moral) obligations. To try and resolve this matter out of court I would write back as you have suggested pointing out the errors in her reply.
  17. Really sorry to hear of your attack Sod'em. It's not just the physical but the psychological injuries that these yobs inflict on innocent people which is often forgotten. Political correctness and human rights is being abused in my opinion. It seems that you are no longer able to voice an opinion in this democratic "free speech" nation of ours for fear of violating someones rights or even being called a racist if you dare question/debate our immigration and related benefits policies. Anti-social behaviour is a big problem in this country and the relevant authorities may "talk the talk" but they certainly don't "walk the walk" as this sad case demonstrates.
  18. I don't believe it is wise to open any mail other than your own. I had simply left the mail for the previous tenant piled up in a corner and the first thing the guy from HMRC did was to check that it hadn't been opened/tampered with!!
  19. She's now got a criminal record which, in my opinion, she shouldn't have. I'm sure everyone has a right to be tried by a jury and I would have been inclined to highlight the crass stupidity of the Police's actions via this route to be honest. This bleedin' country is going to the dogs!!
  20. Thanks FG!! I've often wondered about this as I thought that they could ask for receipts for valuable items such as tv's/computers etc and if you couldn't produce them within a reasonable time then the items were taken?? Not sure of the set up here but presume each has a lockable room...just wondering if they have a communal living room??
  21. Despicable...don't think she should have pleaded guilty though. What did they do about the jobs throwing stones? Nothing I bet!!
  22. Definitely don't ignore the HMRC letters or else you'll have them knocking on your door. I was in a similar situation many years ago and they don't mess around. In response to your queries... 1. NO - YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO OPEN THE LETTERS. I suggest returning all the letters unopened to sender with "no longer at this address" on the envelope. 2. Check your credit file first. This guy is linked to the address and you will need to contact the major CRA's to resolve this and possibly add a note to your file. 3. Firstly, don't confuse bailiffs with DCA's. The latter you can tell to bog off. Bailiffs can enter through an open door or window so keep these closed/locked.
  23. I think you may be able to secure disclose via the CPR (Civil Procedure Rules) route but I'm honestly not sure how you go about this. Freedom of Information only covers prescribed public sector bodies and I don't believe that privatised utilities fall into this category. You could try a SAR but this relates to information about an individual and not a property. It may show up the details and time of your call but not necessarily any information beyond this point. I would be inclined to write to them and advise you consider them liable due to their negligence. State that the contractors told you that the first call wasn't passed to them and that a standard 4 hour response time was inappropriate for a property at risk of internal flooding. Conclude by advising them that you are fully prepared to pursue this through the small claims court but naturally are seeking an amicable settlement prior to adopting this route.
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