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Everything posted by Sunshine54

  1. Evening Blue (was going to say BO but then thought 'that's not very nice' ) welcome aboard! it's going to be a grand cruise I'm just going to sit and wait for the termination notice. Got a bit to do with Egg at the moment so content to leave this and see what happens next regards Sunshine
  2. Thanks Magda that spells it out nicely I've also estimated my counterclaim at £xk plus interest plus the 8% interest and will firm up the figures when I get the detailed info from them. I do know that when this is submitted, I've got even more work to do! what on earth did I do with my time before my debt became unaffordable?
  3. hi N.P. according to the spreadsheet provided and the screen shots that I got from Egg under SAR I received a couple of hundred pounds via Chaps to my bank account, then £xxk was used to pay off the existing Egg loan, £xk for PPI and £xk for existing Egg CC. (I do have the exact numbers and they add up to just under £30k regards to answer your question fully - I only got my grubby mitts on the couple of hundred pounds S
  4. oh dear I should think before I post .... the other thing that I was thinking about - can I claim that the multiple agreement 'rules' apply to the loan because a tiny amount of cash was provided then the rest of the advance paid an existing loan balance, PPI, and Egg Card balance ? I'd rather over-egg the defence (pun absolutely intended) what do you think? thanks and now I'm definitely going to get something to eat.
  5. Ah just putting some papers away and found notes that I printed out a few days ago Even though I believe that the DN is ok Magda you suggested that I put some comments in my defence relating to that. I'd like to do that so where would you suggest that I add them? thanks S
  6. and I don't think I'd heard the word 'averred' before Magda and looked it up in the dictionary. I like it
  7. hi Magda many thanks for your feedback. I've made the improvements you suggested. I have a niggling feeling that I've forgotten something but when I read it - nothing leaps out (but then it wouldn't if I've forgotten it doh) I'm going to stop and get a quick dinner then back to the drawing board re the PPI counterclaim. As I'm not altogether certain what I'd be 'allowed' to claim for, I'll just have to go for the lot! thanks again S ps I quite like being Summer. Summer Sunshine = makes everyone happy (except EGG lol)
  8. hi, here's a draft defence for review and I'd really appreciate your feedback. If there are any significant points (or even insignificant ones) that I need to make please let me know. I am struggling with the counterclaim value but will make a best guess unless anyone has a better suggestion. many thanks in advance. S the posting has screwed the format but it looks ok on my laptop it's the content that I am concerned with thanks again
  9. hi Magda thanks for the support I just had a glitch with my laptop and couldn't access the internet for 10 mins - talk about hot sweat! lesson = don't leave things until the last minute. I'm certain that I will be on and off here all day. S
  10. Hi Steven many thanks for the comments. any advice would be much appreciated. S
  11. hi Gez, well that's exactly the right attitude. I think MBNA will regret sending out those letters. enjoy your Wolf Blass and I'm off to put the kettle on for a cuppa
  12. hi Spam you can repeat that as often as you like that is exactly what they have done thanks S
  13. hi mouse, not sure but this will bump it up again for you S
  14. hello again hypothetical question. the Egg agreement is two main pages (which are signed and dated) plus another 10 - 12 pages of info which contain the terms and conditions. If I found that the T & Cs that they sent under the CPR 31.14 request are not the ones that were with the original agreement - how much of an issue is that, if any? thanks in advance S
  15. hi again interesting stuff! music to my ears actually thanks lots
  16. evening I've just checked the DN and it does indeed ask for the full amount. I'll read the threads but is it right for them to do that? doesn't that mean that I can't actually remedy the default and continue with the agreement? thanks lots for the support and advice S
  17. hi Blue I've got a looooong thread on Egg and it's with the court and I have to have my defence in next week. MBNA have offered every option possible but I haven't been in the position to take them up on any so got to fight this. They've been adding over £300 per month interest plus 2 x £12 charges for late payment and default! it's a licence to print money! good luck with your fight S
  18. hello again having heard nothing from MBNA since my last post I today received a Default Notice. They appear to have given adequate time for me to remedy the default so now I'm going to do some more research and see what the next action is from them.
  19. hi Magda in my case I was 1 year into a 6 year agreement and then topped up with new PPI for a loan that was only 8% more than the original value. I lost 50% of the original cost even though the policy would have been fine for me with the new agreement or maybe I could have taken a much smaller and cheaper policy for the difference between the two sums. seems immoral to me S
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