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Everything posted by clemma

  1. Phew - glad I didn't stay with VM. As soon as they took over from NTL and wouldn't play ball with Sky to get all the channels NTL had, I took them up on the opportunity to cancel the contract without any penalties. Been happy ever since with Sky/Sky telephone
  2. Aktiv Kapital are chasing me for a statute barred (alleged ) debt. I am waiting for their next piece of twaddle to fall on my doormat, to which I may simply answer with: Dear Sirs The unprofessional attitude of your company has left me speechless. Yours Clemma Or something along those lines. They just don't give up. Hopefully, you, like me, know AK haven't got a leg to stand on. (mine relates to GE/store card as well)
  3. Smooth radio, which, to help get me in the mood for new year, is playing Neil Diamond and Stevie Wonder I have just changed radio station and it's no better
  4. I'm just bumping this for you in the hope someone will come along and help
  5. Try starting a thread here or maybe here Your post will only get lost in the bear garden
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