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Everything posted by mojo8

  1. well hopefully they will have more to think about now that mithering and hasteling us, lets hope the poor things dont hit hard times.
  2. Dipply, a few links that may be of help to you http://www.fsa.gov.uk/smallfirms/resources/factsheets/pdfs/factsheet_sales.pdf Consumer Credit Act 2006 (c. 14) The Office of Fair Trading: Consumer Credit Act
  3. just found this... subordination agreement Definition Formal document acknowledging that one party's claim or interest is inferior (junior) to that of the other party or parties. For example, a firm may agree to let a bank loan take precedence (seniority) over directors' or owners' loans to the firm. If such consent forms a part of a larger agreement, it is called a subordination clause.
  4. so now this has been issued, what does it actually mean ??!!
  5. dipply as soon as i get to wrk ill start posting info for you.....had a lie-in today as i dont start until 11:00
  6. your right, norwich union are a houshold name and massive brand and you just dont expact it.... i wonder if they are changing there name and offloading staff because they could see what was coming..... i just hope they all get there just deserves.....
  7. your dead right andie, i got a letter from Nu refence info i discussed with direct group..... the good thing that may come from this is that there dishonesty, corruptness, none compliance and unwillingness to discuss OUR OWN accounts will be there downfall.
  8. Nice one diply... hope it didnt scramble your head too much, you will no doubt be saying it in your sleep tonight. When im back in work tomorrow ill post some more links for you, they have every bit of info relating to the consumer credit acts and FSA regs...its good to have for reference. I found from this info that post 2006, if you have a credit agreement then you should receive a statement at least once per year.... if you dont then default charges and interest are void and you can actually put your account into dispute. also the £25000 loan cap is now regulated by the FSA...i know i sound like im being a nerd but knowledge is power.
  9. there must be so much wrong doing here. i cannot belive how involved with each other they are...... god there must be so much serious fraud here
  10. dipply, if you are up for a good read then this will give you a really good understanding of what we are talking about; section 5.2 is the part on needs and demands. http://www.fsa.gov.uk/pubs/hb-releases/rel73/rel73icobs.pdf get stuck into that.
  11. Andie..if they dont give you that sheet....then straight away they are in breach of the FSA`s regulations as ist contains all the Key Facts.......... Where i work, we have to give that to the customer before we discuss any info on insurance or finance and thats the fsa basic requirement
  12. It shouldnt really state that... what it should say is that you will not recieve advice from us. We may ask questions to narrow down the selection of products that we will provide details on.... now here is the funny bit... You will then need to make your own choice on how to proceed...... if only. i think that initial disclosure and needs and demands is going to play a big part in reclaiming money back or rendering agreements unenforcable.
  13. Just a quick one. as brighthouse offer an insurance policy..is it accompanied by a policy document explaining your insurance details and procedures.
  14. That sheet thay have given you is an "initial disclosure document" and they have to give you that by law. Its to advise you that they are regulated by the FSA and that they offer certain products and use limited insurers. It will also state that you will recieve no advice from them but they may ask some questions to narrow down the selection of products offered. What they are stateing is that there is no fee for this advice..... what they havent been doing is following it up with the needs and demands statement to determin suitability for any insurance and that is a big no no as it proves that they have durable medium that records if you asked for insurance or not... so potentially any insurance has been mis-sold. On my car finance agreement (not with welcome) i have finance gap which is shown on my needs and demands and on the accompanying letter it tells me that 0.66p is premium tax, of wich they are obliged to disclose to me so NU and DG must get this not disclosing thing from "WE THINK WERE ABOVE THE LAW" book...WRITTEN BY WELCOME FINANCE
  15. Well if they have £500 million to pay back in july its time to batten down the hatches as we will probrably face a barage of phone calls and letters in attempt to get money in... i mean they rang me last night asking for this months payment...half way through the month.
  16. Had a call off them last night from an 0845 number and they were asking for a payment. I explaied to them that we had sent a CCA and SAR request to nottingham and it had been signed for. She seemed to be a bit tongue twisted when trying to explian why she has no record of it. I then started to ask question about why she was calling and not our branch and she said that she was calling from our local branch. I said that she was not being honest because our local branch has closed and the staff transfered and i just wanted her to admit it. Then to test her I threw a completely ficticious name in as our contact at the branch and it just tickled me when she said "yes i can see that she has left some notes on your account and that she would speak to her today", all i can say is good luck. I really suspect that we are now been called by none welcome people as she did not have a clue what she was talking about last night.
  17. it is important not to disclose information to the undesirables but im trying to put in info that will help people but all the ifo i need seems to be pm`ing.
  18. im losing track of what is gonig on because everyone is just pm`ing each other now, i know there are none desirables watching but im seriously losing track now.
  19. we requested a copy of our agreement from the finance company for our car a while back. The car was reposessed and we were sent a copy of our agreement. The agreement is obviously one that has been stored on a pc and is just unreadable, none of the figures can be made out and hardly any words can be read. We were also not sent the terms and conditions and there are over £1000 in charges. The finance company are now taking us to court through money claim on line and my question is; is the agreement unenforceable if it cannot be read and not accompanied by any terms and conditions or is it just down to which side of the bed the judge gets out of on the day.
  20. Im not saying that what he has done is against any laws but i would imagine that the Royal Mail do not have a risk assessment for delivering post and im sure that manhole covers would be included, he has a duty of care to himself and his empoloyers and should stick to the footpath...i mean what right does he have to cross anybodies garden.. i have often spoken to my postman about walking across my garden because they have no right to do it. What idiot would walk on a manhole cover, that is just lack of common sense and if he has had to take time off work then it is down to his neglagence and should be held accountable by his employers. What would happen if you crossed a road and got hit by a car when there is a perfectly good bridge 50 yards up the road, i mean there are no signs to say "danger" and you dont need a manual to tell you that is dangerous.....its common sense and i dont belive for one minute that this postie did not know what he was doing. Unfortunately we are now in a "claim" society and no matter what measures are put in place somebody will try to exploit them.
  21. what an absolute joke. this postman took an unneccasary risk by taking a shortcut across your garden, if there is a clear pathway then he has no right to cut across your garden. He will have during his training gone through a health a safety policy and i would imagine that it states that they are to stick to the main throughways and walkways and not take any risks, if the mail cannot be deliverd then it cannot be delivered. To be honest he should be disciplined by the post office for neglagence.
  22. thanks for answering honestly and please dont take my comments personally, its just that when you come home and find your partner in tears because she has been bullied and lied to by them its hard to control your emotions. When managers and staff all work under the banner of fear then things will never change and that will be there downfall. Just for your info, cattles who own welcome finance have basically lied about there accounts to the tune of £700m and one of the reasons is that the recession has hit people badly and can no longer pay. Because of this customers have tried to come to arrangements with them, just like with brighthouse but because of welcomes unwillingness to help....customers have been seeking advice and have been finding flaws in there contracts and finding themselves in very strong positions, this topped with the reccession has put welcome in a position of comprimise. What brighthouse are doing is very similar, even though on the face of it the agreements look ok its there methods of selling insurance and collecting money that will be there problem. I can see brighthouse facing big problems soon unless they change there whole attitude, ethos and business model. I dont ever recall receiving a policy document for any insurance, is there one issued with insurance?
  23. Im getting confused again, i seem to catch up, overdose on information and lose track. Just so i can get it straight. ..... I examined one of our agreements today with a fine toothed comb and there is no information or heading reference commisions, broker fees or set up fees. ..so if our company make a commision on finance or insurance then really it should be visible to the customer.... sorry if im not keeping up but this thread is getting complicated and will make a brilliant book...or film.
  24. Ill be honest, im still not sure how this hidden commissions works. I have just questioned our agreements as it does not state any brokers fees but i presume that because we are not a broker then we dont have to disclose them.......??!!??, im confused
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